Server setup total noob

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  • Hi there first of i want to say how much i love this game and really enjoy playing it. My friends and i have started a world that we have alot of construction completed on. I have a older machine that i have managed to wipe and installed
    Ubuntu Server 16.04.4 LTS on and got java 8 on.
    That is as far as i have gotten with it. I have tried to understand and read the setup guides on the forum here but i am totally new to servers and have no idea what i am doing. I would really like to be able to take our exsiting game which is on my gaming pc and use it on a server so all my friends can have access to it and dont need me to have mine running all the time and sending out steam invites for them to join.

    I would like to know some simple steps on where to go from here. The ubunto server is running on my spare machine it has the desktop gui running and has java on it. I see something about the steamcmd. So basically i need to have the ubuntu machine running and get the steamcmd executable and run it on there ?

    Again i am totally a noob with this i would appreciate your help on this. Thank you so much in advance.

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