Steam server error when starting

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  • Hi,

    So I just downloaded under "Tools" in Steam, the Rising world dedicated server.

    First, there must be something misconfigured as in Linux it tries to run the .exe server, you may need to look at that @red51

    Anyway, if I manually launch the linux_startscript as I used to do when the server was downloaded from this site before, I get the following:

    I just did a basic personalisacion of the file (server name and such).

    Any ideas?

  • Thanks @red51!

    In Debian (testing, where Java 9 was auto installed by an update, but Java 8 was left there) you need to run as root/sudo:

    update-alternatives --config java

    and choose version 8

    That makes Java 8 the default and then RW server works fine again.

    Anyway, you still may need to look at RW server in linux from Steam trying to run the exe instead of the linux start script.


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