API Changelog

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Old Changelog (

    • Events

      • [New] NpcHitNpcEvent
      • [New] PlayerMountNpcEvent
      • [New] PlayerDismountNpcEvent
      • [New] ItemTransformEvent
      • [Bugfix] PlayerInventoryToChestEvent
      • [Bugfix] PlayerGuiElementClickEvent was no longer working after player dc
    • General

      • [New] Skin object
    • Player

      • [New] getSkin()
      • [New] getMount()
      • [New] isSpawned()
      • [New] executeConsoleCommand()
    • Npc

      • [New] getSkin() (only for human npc atm)
      • [New] getRider() (only for mounts)
      • [New] getInfoID()
      • [New] getVariation()
    • Item

      • [New] getDefinition()
    • World

      • [New] getAllItemsInArea()
      • [New] getAllNpcsInArea()
    • Definitions

      • [New] ClothingDefinition
      • [New] getClothingDefinition()
      • [New] getAllClothingDefinitions()
    • Vector3f

      • [New] negate()
      • [Bugfix] divide()
    • Timer

      • [Bugfix] pause()
    • Utils

      • [New] VectorUtils.getXZInFrontOfPlayer()
      • [New] VectorUtils.getXYZInFrontOfPlayer()
      • [New] VectorUtils.getDirection()

    Hotfix (2018-06-04):

    • PlayerSetSignTextEvent

      • [New] getNumLines()
      • [New] getLineText()
      • [New] getLineColor()
    • Chest

      • [New] setSlotCount()
      • [New] insertNewObjectItem()
      • [New] insertNewClothingItem()
    • Player

      • [New] setWalkSpeed()
      • [New] setRunSpeed()
      • [New] setSprintSpeed()
      • [New] setJumpSpeed()
      • [New] setGravity()
      • [Bugfix] enableGameMusic()
      • [Bugfix] disableGameMusic()


    Latest Javadoc: https://javadoc.rising-world.net/
    Latest Download: https://download.rising-world.net/api/PluginAPI_0.9.3.3.zip

    Edited once, last by red51: Update (2018-06-04) ().

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