FPS gets progressively worse are you Explore

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  • Sorry new to the forum, I checked out the other categories, and didn't really know where to put this. HOWEVER, I still want to point this out to the devs because I love this freaking game and wish to see it become more successful.

    It would seem that the further you go out from home base, the FPS progressively becomes worse. Usually it starts at 60FPS, sometimes dips. But I can expect that. The further you go out (even before the horse update) the FPS just dips down more and more. Now that horses are around, the FPS dips are more faster. I love the horses as they move fast as crap and you can really cover a large distance in a short amount of time. Which is useful for finding Savannah's, deserts, snow biomes, etc.

    I put up a video on Youtube showcasing the FPS dip as I was testing the horses out.

    My PC specs are above the minimum recommended for the game. EVGA Geforce GTX980 TI, 16GB Ram, i7 3770k. When I livestream it usually dips lower (as expected since OBS Studio is capturing footage). When I am playing without streaming its always a consistent 60FPS.

    Thanks for allowing me to point this out. Love Rising World a lot. I look forward to more content!

  • I have slightly less spec than you have and do not have this problem (GTX970 16GB Ram i5 3570k@4.2Ghz - graphics maxed, though view distance decreased by one notch).

    You can try allocating more memory to your game which I think would help (see Red51's comments in the following thread):
    [Standalone version] memory allocation

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Thanks for the video! :) This really sounds like a memory issue: Basically the game creates more and more world parts while travelling (every world part is quite memory hungry). It's supposed to remove unused world parts after a given amount of time, but maybe something does not work as intended :huh:

    Once you run into these performance issues again, you could try to type "clearworldparts" into console (open the console by pressing ` or ~), and if that does not help, try the "clearcache" command. Please have a look if this "fixes" the problem.

    If this doesn't help, there must be something else going on... in this case, I'd recommend to create a report file once the framerate drops. To do that, open the console and type "report", then a file called "report" shows up in your game directory (to get there, rightclick on rw in steam -> properties -> local files -> browse local files). Please upload this file here, or send it via PM to me, or via email to support@jiw-games.net ;)

  • I'm still having the problem even after using clearworldparts and clearcache commands. It still tanks down from 60 to under 30fps. Seems I cannot allocate ram to the steam version because of steam. So I am stuck with this problem it seems.

  • I'm still having the problem even after using clearworldparts and clearcache commands. It still tanks down from 60 to under 30fps. Seems I cannot allocate ram to the steam version because of steam. So I am stuck with this problem it seems.

    Please create a report file once the fps issue occurs and forward it to us (please see the last paragraph in my previous post), it'll contain important information about what's going on exactly :) In particular this helps us to find out if assigning more RAM to the game in this case actually makes sense or not...

    The Steam version of the game handles memory allocation automatically, so usually there is no need to change this manually. However, you can assign more RAM manually by setting the launch option +memory DIRECT HEAP (replace DIRECT and HEAP with the desired amount of MB for direct/heap memory). For example, to assign 10 GB of RAM, you could use the launch option +memory 5120 5120.

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