player.setName(String Name) method

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  • I suspect what happened here is that the player changed his Steam name, not the RW IGN. I've had that happen a few times so now I spell out that they need to return to the main menu and edit their Profile to change the name.

    I saw the guy on another server and saw that he had corrected this name. That server operator made a comment about the same subject. I have since made it a rule in the Journal that the name should be changed or face temporary ban which is done by UID. I think the ability to change the players name with a benign character is ok but I am sure it is easier than changing the code to strip the spaces in the console. It will be used in a variety of ways but as Red says there are much more ways that a plugin can infuriate a player including placing a visible tag on them.

  • I am glad this is going to be fixed next patch. I found that not only the console for goto but the in game Mail plugin will not accept that space. I wanted to tell a player to change his name and some other features about class advancement on my server and the mail routine didnt see the space in the send. Though is does pull it up on the search. So I cannot send him in game mail next time he logs on to help him play the class struggle game better on my server and to fix his name.

    I will post in the plugin forum on this issue but there will not be a need to fix that plugin if a routine after next patch can autocorrect onLogon.

  • I had a similar experience trying to set a user as an owner of his area on my server, but his name had been written in German and he was using an Umlaut above the a in his name. After several attempts of getting him to understand what the problem was he logged off to the main menu and changed his name, but this time he put a space in it, so we went though the same discussion with him eventually understanding what to do.I off course wanted to see how I could deal with this more swiftly if it happened again.

    So suppose this might need to be taken into consideration also or will the key codes you can type be accepted in game such as for ä on a PC type:- Alt 0228; on a mac type: Option + u then a... and so on

    ö Alt 0246 Option + u then o
    ü Alt 0252 Option + u then u
    Ä Alt 0196 Option + u then A
    Ö Alt 0214 Option + u then O
    Ü Alt 154 Option + u then U
    ß Alt 0223 Option + S

    or am I missing an even more simple way...?

  • I had a similar experience trying to set a user as an owner of his area on my server, but his name had been written in German and he was using an Umlaut above the a in his name.

    Well, this should not be a problem: either string manipulation within a plug-in and/or SQL data processing should not be affected by non-ASCII characters.

    Well, yes, under Linux it is simply: ComposeKey then a then " (or ComposeKey then " then a. Same for Ø, Đ, Ş, Ṫ and so on...

    Come on guys, this is year 2018; Unicode is out since 27 years... :D

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