World Constantly Reloading

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  • Hello again, I'm just reporting this mostly for the sake of reporting it, but also because it's turned from an insignificant annoyance to a pretty big problem. Basically the world keeps needing loading as I move around with my horse, it loads an area but then it needs to load the next after moving on a while, and same goes for returning to the previous area. The problem didn't annoy me at all until I started getting chased by predators, being completely stuck and at their mercy while the world is loading, my horse is stuck in a loop and the predators all around are feasting on me killing me.

    So yeah, I decided to report this is happening too cause it's turned into a problem now.

    Running Alpha with no mods, just the vanilla game, also SP

    Further detail if needed, I have View Distance set to 25 and Detail Distance set to 13.

  • Sorry for the late response! =O

    The world generation speed mainly depends on your hardware. Usually reducing the view distance (and especially detail distance) improves the situation. If the world loads extremely slow even if you have a good CPU, this might be related to the hard drive - the game constantly reads/writes to the hard drive, and if this takes too long, it slows down the game (or mor precisely, the world generation speed).

    Maybe you can create a log file, to do that, go to your game directory, open the file with a text editor and set "game_debug_console" to true. Now start the game and play until the issue occurs a few times. Quit the game and go into the "Logs" folder in your game directory. Please upload the latest logfile here (or send it via PM) :)

  • Sorry for the late response! =O

    The world generation speed mainly depends on your hardware. Usually reducing the view distance (and especially detail distance) improves the situation. If the world loads extremely slow even if you have a good CPU, this might be related to the hard drive - the game constantly reads/writes to the hard drive, and if this takes too long, it slows down the game (or mor precisely, the world generation speed).

    Maybe you can create a log file, to do that, go to your game directory, open the file with a text editor and set "game_debug_console" to true. Now start the game and play until the issue occurs a few times. Quit the game and go into the "Logs" folder in your game directory. Please upload the latest logfile here (or send it via PM) :)

    Sorry, I'm late replying as well. I had to format my PC and have no access to the game right now. But well, I'll make sure to do that should the problem happen again.

    As for hardware I am not 100% sure but I'm running an i7 4770K so I wouldn't think it's a bad CPU? As for hard drive, I am not exactly sure what the writing speed of it is, but I would think that is more of the issue if it's either of them. I also have 16 gb of RAM and a GTX 1070 in case it's need to know info, so I would definetely blame the hard drive if anything at all :)

    I should also mention that I've noticed a Disk Usage of 100% quite frequently before I formatted, so it might as well have been caused by that...but yeah, I'll just make sure to monitor the siutation further and report back if the problem represents itself.

    For now I thank you for your time :)

  • Hello again, sorry this took me forever to get back here. I have enabled the debugger and I HOPE this is the output log, comparing what I saw in the console and what is contained inside the file it should be that. I can also confirm reducing the detail view and view distance helped, though it's a bit problematic for me sometimes cause then I can not see my buildings until I am very close, hence if I get too far I can get lost pretty easily without a map (I have bad orientation haha!) but well, I can survive that.

    Must say if anything's at fault in the hardware it must be the hard drive anyway, it's been annoying in general for a while, but it seems to work alright despite it...

    Well either way, I'm attaching the log so you can have a look whenever you have time. Thank you very much for the moment!

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