SQL command Attach

  • Yes, at least when using SQLite, you can use the ATTACH and DETACH statements, for example:

    However, usually it's fine to just establish an new connection to the 2nd database ^^ It's safe to have multiple connections to different database simultaneously, e.g.:

    Database db1 = getSQLiteConnection(getPath() + "/database1.db");
    Database db2 = getSQLiteConnection(getPath() + "/database2.db");

    Just remember to close() the database connections if you don't need them anymore.

    If you want to access the world database btw, it's highly recommended to use the built-in WorldDatabase (since there are issues with thread-safety in SQLite). When using the WorldDatabase, all commits are synchronized.
    Example to use the WorldDatabase:

  • Thanks .. just read about the attach in an SQL tutorial and could not find anything directly about that but was going to try to see if that was needed I need a third party UID from the database while using another database to keep track with an event.

    this kind of support makes it fun.. thanks

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