How to create a Whitelist?

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  • Hi,
    I started a server and wonder how i can create a whitelist to restrict the visitors to my friends. Is there a way to do so?

    Best regards


  • server_list_visible=false

    Give the IP to your friends and tell them the password, and you'll be good to go :)

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  • Thanks a lot!
    the server seemed to be vanished from the list, but when i connect, i do not need to enter a password. is it maybe because i am listed as the admin?

  • Hmmm... Good question. It would make sense if it's made like that. Try removing yourself as admin and restart the server.

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  • Unfortunately the "server_password" flag is not supported yet. It will be changed within the next updates.
    Adding a whitelist-feature is also planned, it should not take too long until it's implemented ;)

  • Unfortunately the "server_password" flag is not supported yet. It will be changed within the next updates.
    Adding a whitelist-feature is also planned, it should not take too long until it's implemented ;)

    This is exactly what I was looking for.
    I ran into the same issue, a few people that connected while my server was published, and is now in their history, have reconnected and caused some ruckus sadly.
    Trying to do some research and learn about the protected areas.

  • Well you could create a Lua script which looks at the user names at Connect and then if there not on the Lua Script list then kicks them. Thats basically what a normal whitelist would do. :)

  • You could alsojust disable server listing and make the port run on a totally random port. Chances that people can guess both the IP and port are slim.

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