[Bug] Player can't see corpse after dying and disconnecting

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  • TL;DR - It seems that if you quit or disconnect after dying before Respawn, your corpse is not visible to yourself, but is visible to others, also when you reconnect to the server, you're at Y2075.


    Twice in the last 48 hrs, a player has died and crashed or disconnected shortly after. In both cases, the player was unable to see their corpse after reconnecting but an admin could.

    To test, I flew up in the air then let myself fall. When I died, I clicked Quit.
    On logging back in, I found myself at about Y2075, fell and died again!
    So I quit again.
    On logging back in the second time, I was again at Y2075.
    Again, I fell and died.
    This time I chose Respawn.
    I then used console kill command to suicide.
    I respawned and had a corpse as normal.
    I then used console kill command again.
    I chose quit.
    When reconnecting to the server, I was again at Y2075.
    I used GPS /home to return safely to ground but there was no corpse.
    I should have 4 corpses, but I only have 1.

    So it seems that if you quit or disconnect after dying before Respawn, your corpse is not visible to yourself, but is visible to others, also when you reconnect to the server, you're at Y2075.

    Two outcomes are requested:
    1. Corpses remain visible after quit/disconnect/reconnect
    2. On logging back prior to Respawn, the player should respawn at a more reasonable Y level :D


  • I've had this as well when messing around with ReShade during the time I posted those torii gates on Steam. I fell to my death, died, relogged, came back and found that there's no corpse to loot from. I did see my grave mark a bit too late but couldn't loot the body that I was livid so I cheated back in my items because of that unnatural situation.

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