Undecorated ?

  • What is undecorrated. I was doing some remote programming with a laptop I dont use often and when I deslect undecorated it makes the remote HDMI screen go blank white but the Dell main screen can see it. How does this affect GUIs? :S:S

  • Basically the "undecorated" flag just removes the border/frame of the game window (so the game runs in a borderless window). If you also adapt the game resolution to your desktop resolution, you get an alternative fullscreen mode (other games call it "Windowed Fullscreen").

    The fullscreen mode does not have an impact on the GUI (only the actual resolution matters)

  • thanks Red I figured out the issue was with my video cable .. so I got it working on my remote system by fixing that.

    I have been having allot of stutters lately so I am trying to figure out if it is the server service or my computers.

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