Bugs (?) after Change 2018-09-26

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  • Hi,

    after receiving the update there are some problemes on my side (singleworld):

    - all trees and plants are "frozen" (covered by ice/snow) - this happens in different worlds - biome: Grass; temperature 25°C
    - these trees and plant do not have any function any more - means f. e. : not able to pick apples, chop the trees, .... seems to be a status of technical invisible (but can not walk through them) - do not work, if a ney three was placed by creative modus - this also counts for normal plants!
    - this all also happends within a new created world

    Hint: Within the main menu the tooltip for Dungeons shows "Vegetation aktiv/nicht aktiv"

    Please let me know if you need further informations

    Thanks in advance!


    maybe some helpful informations - perhaps a problem on my side and i need to think about a new PC ;-) :
    Report of 2018/09/28 10:08 AM by 76561198033749423 Version: (Steamversion)
    OS: Windows 7 (x64) Version: 6.1 Java version: 1.8.0_131 JVM architecture: amd64
    CPU: [GenuineIntel, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9600 @ 2.80GHz, 2, 2] (Cores: 2)
    Mainboard: [ASUSTeK Computer INC., G71GX]
    GraphicsAdapter: [NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M, 20161114000000.000000-000,, nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um]
    Total Systemmemory: 6441 MB
    JVM Memory used: 65,07 MB reserved: 519,44 MB max: 3203,79 MB
    Direct Memory: used: 0,36 MB max: 1610,61 MB
    ARGS -H: 3072 -D: 1536

  • Sorry for the late response!

    - all trees and plants are "frozen" (covered by ice/snow) - this happens in different worlds - biome: Grass; temperature 25°C

    Hmm... that's strange oO Can you maybe post a screenshot of it (maybe press F3 to enable the debug output before making the screenshot)?

    Hint: Within the main menu the tooltip for Dungeons shows "Vegetation aktiv/nicht aktiv"

    That was unfortunately a small bug, it should be fixed with the latest hotfix :)

  • Sorry for the late response!

    Hmm... that's strange oO Can you maybe post a screenshot of it (maybe press F3 to enable the debug output before making the screenshot)?

    That was unfortunately a small bug, it should be fixed with the latest hotfix

    Good Morning!

    11 Hours are not late for an response - your support is fantastic!!

    Attached the SC you're asking for - let me know if I can do something else

    Thanks four your help!!

  • Thanks for the screenshots! This seems to be an issue with the graphic card / driver 8| It looks like you're already using the latest driver (dated on 2016), at least there doesn't seem to be a newer driver available for that graphics card... can you maybe post a log file? To do that, go to your game directory (rightclick on RW in Steam -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files) and open the config.properties File with a text editor. Set "game_debug_console" to true, save the file, and run the game. Now try to harvest some of these "broken plants". If it doesn't work, quit the game, and go into the "Logs" subfolder in your game directory. There should be a log file now, please upload it here, or alternatively send it via PM or support@jiw-games.net to me :)

  • Hi,

    thank you very much - tried this; does not work. Logfile was sent by PM.

    :thumbsup: for your support!!!

    PS: Pls do not invest too much time in this - think (and recognize) it is rather my part to get new hardware ;-)

  • Thanks for the logs! :) One question: Is there maybe "Geometry Instancing" disabled in your case? Please have a look at the config.properties file in the game directory. If the value "graphic_instancing" is set to false, try to change it to true, save the file, and run the game again. Does the issue still persist?

  • Thanks for the logs! :) One question: Is there maybe "Geometry Instancing" disabled in your case? Please have a look at the config.properties file in the game directory. If the value "graphic_instancing" is set to false, try to change it to true, save the file, and run the game again. Does the issue still persist?

    Yes. Problem solved. Nice work Thx red. :D :thumbsup::thumbsup:

  • Thanks for the logs! :) One question: Is there maybe "Geometry Instancing" disabled in your case? Please have a look at the config.properties file in the game directory. If the value "graphic_instancing" is set to false, try to change it to true, save the file, and run the game again. Does the issue still persist?

    Hi Red,

    after one off the last updates (wasn't able to log in for the last days) the effect off shown frozen plants/trees disappeared - without set "graphic_instancing" on true. Still unable to harvest vegetable or cut trees. (These update(s) also solve a grapic problem within the starting screen (main menü)).

    After setting "graphic_instancing" on true this works!!

    Very big "Thank you" for your help!!! :thumbsup:<3

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