Destroyed/Deleted Boats Cause Lag?

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  • I'm trying to figure out what's causing lag. Until the introduction of boats, I was doing pretty good. In fact, I was able to rock between 70 and 200 frames per second. However, due to a string of events (changing servers, finding artifacts in my blueprint that was causing blueprints not to place, and some other crap), now I find that my main build, which has taken me months, is causing me major lag, even if I reduce everything down to the bare minimum and minimum chunks. My frame rate drops down from 200 to 30-60 in some areas and I can't figure out what's causing it. It all started when i started building a boat house and we were storing 3 boats in the house. We butchered the boats then worked on the project some more. However, the lag didn't go away. I deleted the project and replaced the blueprint and it kinda helped but the lag eventually came back. If I place the blueprint in a different place, then there's no lag (from the brief time I tested it). Any ideas?

  • As @yahwho mentioned, a very complex boat house (consisting of tousands or tens of thousands of planks) might cause performance issues if a physical object (e.g. boats, items, player etc) collides with it.
    Apart from that, boats shouldn't have a big impact on performance, unless there are lots of boats in close proximity. This also applies to wrecks. However, once a wreck is fully destroyed, the boat and all resources related to the boat are removed from the world, so they can't cause any performance issues...

    Can you maybe post a screenshot of the boat house? Maybe a report file could also help. To create one, just open the console and type "report", then a file called "report" shows up in your game directory :)

  • I'll go ahead and show the house build in progress. It's no where near finished but it keeps dipping my frames down from 200 to 30 something here and there and I've had to set all my settings down to low just so I can build without going crazy.

    I'll shoot the report privately over to you red. It's using the minimum settings instead of the normal settings. I up'd my settings to take these pictures AFTER I took the report, rocking a solid 17 fps but that's because I couldn't remember what my optimum settings were. lol I have them written down somewhere. If you want me to resend you the report after I normalize my settings, I can do that.

    Alright, cheers.

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