Seeing Chunk Borders

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  • Not sure if this is a bug or a client side issue I have verified the game integrity and even tried a fresh install. I did have the No Grain texture pack installed but have since removed it and double checked all my drivers. I am using latest release of Java and everything is up to date, just a bit confused here. Is anyone else experiencing this same issue? You log in, and you still bounce around like a pinball even when you walk on planks the same problem persists. I've had mining drills, chainsaws and other items randomly disappear from chests, barrels and even from my inventory. These lines you see here are in the image aren't the only ones. When I was gaming with @dagoline I experienced even stranger lines which are the thick white lines. Does anyone have any idea what all this is about? My drivers and Java are all up to date and I even backed up my saves and deleted Rising World for a fresh install. These problems began after the NPC update, started a new world a seen the same problems there as well? Hmm.. not sure what to do now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • It appears you are having a video card driver issue. the reason I state this, is because when you see a 'tear' in chunk borders (which I see on occasion), it is a tear you can see into the ground with, and you can fall into them. To fix those, you press F10 when in creative mode, it will restitch the chunk borders in your area. Your case, I see thin white lines, usually a typical driver artifact you will see. Second image appears to be lighting/shading anomaly, usually caused by outdated or corrupt video drivers. Try to download and install the LATEST video driver for your graphics card. hope this helps? let us know. a few of my players had issues since the last update, having them install the latest video driver for their respected video card resolved issues for them.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • At the moment I got construction workers beating on my roof so loud it sounds like thunder. (Hard to concentrate) Anyways ran AMD Auto-Detect currently using "Recommended" versus "Latest" because the latest version breaks Rising World and several other games for me. F10 seemed to of worked but as I got closer to home I noticed F10 wasn't working at all. Ended Season 4 and I am moving on to Season 5 because the FPS is more stable in a new world than it was in the other. I am wondering if these recent updates may have changed something about the world generation or if it has something to do with NPC's. In either case I will not be spawning NPC Dummies in this new world just in case they were the cause of it.

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