Server Issues Help

  • I am hosting a server, it worked fine for two days on my computer.. now all of a sudden today noone can connect to it.. the port forwarding is still setup, the firmware it updated.. the game is updated.. i need help trying to get people able to connect to my server again... this is not a steam/non steam issue.. if it was.. it wouldnt of worked 2 days in a row with no problems! :cursing:

  • where is the server log? i put a pic up of what was shown on my server main page one bootup

    We need to whole log... You can either copy it, or edit the windows startscript and change the content to

    @Echo off
    java -jar server.jar > log.txt 2>&1

    Then there will be no more output in the console window, but everything will be written to a file called "log.txt" instead.

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