help with blueprints.

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  • Hey

    I having issues with blueprints...
    I downloaded few files and dropped them in my blueprint folder....
    But when i go to blueprints in the journal it dont shows up..
    I tried to make one ingame and that one shows in the blueprints...

    Can anyone help me with this issue?

  • hello, it is always best if you first created a blueprint in the game. Then the game creates a blueprint folder. Then all blueprints can be copied to this folder, also in subfolders. The game must then always be restarted, since the new Bluprints have not been read.

  • Did you maybe extract the .blueprint files by accident? Some ZIP programs recognize the .blueprint file as ZIP archive, extracting them destroys the blueprint. The blueprint files you've posted are broken unfortunately, at least they don't contain any compressed data anymore, which indicates that they were already extracted by another program.

    When downloading a blueprint, make sure to just save it on the hard drive (do not open it) then just move the file into the "Blueprints" folder in the game directory ;)

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