server backup

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  • Hi

    I have rented a server at Vilayer where there is no automatic backups, so I have to backup to my own machine if need be.
    That is giving me problems right now, but that's a service provider issue.

    But to avoid cluttering my machine with lots of unnecessary stuff, I have tried to get an idea of which game files I actually need for backup.
    I know the ones I have edited myself such as permissions,, plugins etc, which - when set up properly - should be a onetime backup.
    Apart from the journal which is expanded regularly.

    But what about the stuff people build in-game, player groups, inventory etc.
    Is that all in the worlds folder?

    And on a similar, but slightly different, note:

    If someone knows I would appreciate any help.

    If I want to move from one service provider to another can I simply backup the whole server and upload it to a new provider?

  • So I've saved all my rights and plugin in a folder on my computer. For a manual backup then you just have to save the world folder. When it comes to a crash, then you have everything you need to get your world running on the server. But you should have extra security so why. If you could do the automatic buckup and webhosting provider has a problem, you are even bigger because you will not mind if it is stupid.

  • world is the most important folder that contains your world database and all the information coming with it. This is recommended you back up once a week so in case shit happens and at some point it will happen your players don't lose a lot of progress.

    Then if you use posters the customImages is important to keep the images your players have uploaded, else they will have to upload them again so not such a huge deal tbh.

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