Savanna Lodge

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Bill has always dreamed of leading an army, imagining himself as a mighty warrior...

    This dream has come true thanks to Master Yoda's teaching and he is now ready for an epic battle!

    Well, Bill lost and had to take refuge in this hut.

    It is furnished with seats, bed, kitchen, healing tub. Also an empty room for your workbenches or whatever.
    Be safe in the jungle !

    Bill hat immer davon geträumt, eine Armee zu führen ... Dieser Traum wurde dank der Lehre von Master Yoda wahr und er ist jetzt bereit für eine epische Schlacht.
    Nun, Bill hat verloren und musste in diese Hütte flüchten.

  • red51

    Added the Label Java Version

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