Some thoughts

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  • I’ve been playing this game for a few weeks now and I’m pretty hooked, and now I’d like to share some thoughts I’ve had so far. (Sorry, if I repeat things others wrote about before, or state ideas which you’ve already planned to implement.)

    First of all - It’s kind of easy (for someone like me who may be a little bit lacking in concentration from time to time) to simply delete a world by accident. So I’d really like to have to confirm each deletion.

    Furthermore I’d love to:
    - have a way to fill up soil.
    - seed grass.
    - be able to colour glass and, maybe, change the colour temperature of lamps.
    - craft half-high blocks.
    - be able to change the size of doors.
    - put flowers into vases and/or have flower pots.
    - craft carpets; and plaster and /or paper and/or paint the walls.
    - change the size of the curtains (which are a wonderful addition :) ).
    - close the crafting windows by using the same button which I pressed to open it.
    - have a way to make glass panes more visible while trying to position them.

  • I think the follwing were confirmed to come:

    • That the game will ask again when you are about to delete a map
    • Colored glass
    • That crafting window will also close when you press the inventory button again
  • You can place dirt. Currently, use a pickaxe on dirt and you'll get some in your inventory. Hold it in your hand and you can place it.. same for stone.

    Since we can gather flowers, I'm sure we will have stuff to do with them at some point.

    You can put posters on the wall and even use your own images for that. Plus, when you craft items to use as walls, you can choose what texture it has.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Here it is! I knew wasn't the only one with the deleting worlds problem!

    That button isn't in the right spot : don't place the delete button in the middle of the screen! Place it on the right side, far away, so one can't press it so easily by mistake. It was my first thought when I saw the screen for the first time : Girl, you're gonna have to be careful, or you're gonna cry your eyes out because you deleted your lovely house...

    Furthermore : I do agree with the lady here : flower pots are nice, but they would be nicer if I were to choose what I plant in them : flowers, of course but also small bushes (you know, those nice ferns that are useless for now, and just get destroyed?) or crops, or tree saplings so I can grow bonsai.

    The grass-planting works fine actually, even if an intermediary height between supershort or superhigh grass could be nice.

    last, but not least, I have to agree once more with this :

    "- close the crafting windows by using the same button which I pressed to open it."

    that would be cool.

  • You need to go to compatibility mode and turn off the font scaling. Then the buttons will work

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