like: a jungle where you can find Apes, parrots, Flamingoes..., a sort of wingsuit and a parachute,of coarse a train, an energy system so you can power the radiator and lights, oil that you can use for smearing wheels of any vehicle and find in dry dirt,savannah and desert biomes and place an oil rig on it and a oil rig platform on oceans, deeper oceans where you can find fishes e.g. Sharks, Squids,Manta's,Jelly's,living coral that attracts smaller fishes and swordfishes, a Swamp where you can find Crocodiles, more Worms, Beavers, Turtles and dragonflies

i had alot of ideas for updates
would be interesting to see a jungle or swamp area added into the game
Actually half of the stuff is already planned
There is a Jungle and Swamp Biome in the pipeline. Along with more vegetation (i.e. coffee beens) and probably also animals.
Electricity System is on the road map since the beginning. ONce this one hits it will be awesome!
Sounds awesome body, hit it, i'll be on your side
I'm also recommeding a power system but it shouldn't be easy to get the power, so I'm suggesting some kind of machine parts that can be built and by assembling them we should create something like generators, wind turbines etc. And also we would need flowing water and some legit wind effects to use them as our renewable sources alongside with your proposal of oil rigs etc. Hoping this game develops greater.
I find it strange I just ran across this as last night I dreamed about an update that said: Apes, Gorilla's, Jungles, Canyons & More! Beta 0.9.8 Yeah I hopped into the game, started a new world and spawned in what looked like the Grand Canyon. Found a coyote started to record as I was mauled by a pack and I woke up laughing so loud I woke my neighbor up at 5AM.
would be great if we had access to spawners. we meaning server owners. Place a spawner.. so they can make dungeons. Also have access to adjust loot drops
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