If you have some time
here is a log file created when starting up
would like to help further but do not know what to
If you have some time
here is a log file created when starting up
would like to help further but do not know what to
a little question is the newest-old version the same of the normal version or are there some difference in it ?
i also still have this problem so i still work with the newest-old version thing
can't figger it out what the problem is but i think it could be a windows dll problem
something in registery
wonder if a hd format will help
but not do that because i'm a noob and din't do a format once
i have to ask someone or go to the computer store
We recommend to create a new world and move your old buildings to the new world by using blueprints.
was planning to do so anyway
i think the real world can't handle with new biomes to so you have to go to other worlds (lol)
don't like christmas but i like this nice work
[Script]World edit complete (UPDATED WITH WE CLEAR BLOCK & PLANT)
here you can download world edit
if you use world edit first select your buildind then type /we clear all then it deletes your building
but sometimes it's not all gone then you have to restart the world (not game) and then it is all gone
hope this helps
it would be nice to have an insta destroy or flatten
you can do it with worldedit
if there is an errorlog you have to post it for red51
you can find it in your gamefolder
fine with me we have to wait
the longer we wait the better it gets
i hope
but i will wait till then to start an exploration
now it's all the same
don't really care about waiting if the work is done it's done
but I think you cannot load the carrots and plants. That's sad
that is right but when you place the farmland it's not that hard to plant the carrots and patatoes
the tricky thing is to place the fishtank on top of the farmland
i always leave some room in bp's
so anyone can put in what they like
looking nice