We are getting this error.
Not sure what causing it. One player stated the crash happened after sharing a location throught GPS with a friend.
Posts by fuzzyfreak
A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Sometimes the saloon doors stop opening causing the other side of the doors to be inaccessible. A player will experience this problem but another player will be able to successfully use the same doors.
Players are experiencing problems with the scaffolding. Some can not go up, some can not go down and some can go neither up or down.
We are unable to download the newest update either through the shortcut or RW home page. Where's that sneaky update?
Found it! I used the one from the steam dedicated server.
Great work Devs the water is awesome. Thank you for your hard work and commitment.
Can't get the client to start at all in Linux Mint 17.3 with this latest update. I could with previous updates. I am running
all requirements, at or exceeding maximum. Using the steam version. Removed game files, re-downloaded them. Checked
Java version, it is 8. Not sure what to check next.Clean out your log directory and try to start the client again. Then post any log file in the log directory and check the root directory of the client and send any error logs that may pop up there. Without logs I will not be able to help much.
chatcolor does not appear to work.
Groovy I'll get started on that. Yes as about 11 hours.
Changed the time to 14 hours and restarted the conversion with fingers crossed. We shall be back up in 11 hours!
I get this crash after the conversion. I had to force it closed and once restarted it began the convert again.
Yes players are able to join after a restart and I will be using java 8 soon!
Ja Spieler sind in der Lage, nach einem Neustart kommen, und ich werde mit Hilfe von Java 8 bis bald!
Today my freaks were unable to connect to the server. When they tried the progress bar on the loading screen would go half way then stop. I have attached the log in question. Sorry for the large log. I have uploaded two logs I am not sure which one you need.
Heute ist mein Freaks konnten mit dem Server verbinden. Als sie versuchten die Fortschrittsanzeige auf dem Ladebildschirm würde auf halbem Weg zu gehen, dann stoppen. Ich habe das Protokoll in Frage angebracht. Sorry für die große Protokoll. Ich habe zwei Protokolle hochgeladen Ich bin nicht sicher, welches benötigen Sie.
Oredetector! Groovy i love gadgets.
I just noticed our production server authenticates successfully but the test server does not. This is just for your information.
Ich habe gerade bemerkt unsere Produktion den Server authentifiziert, aber der Test-Server nicht. Dies ist nur zu Ihrer Information.
Here is the part just before the error starts.
LOADPLAYER: fuzzyfreak
[LUA][Zcript] 10/15/15 09:11:09 INSERT INTO `lastlog` (`player_id`, `name`, `ip`, `connect_at`) VALUES (64, 'fuzzyfreak', '', strftime('%s', 'now'));
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
[LUA][Zcript] 10/15/15 09:11:15 ** fuzzyfreak - joined the Server
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
at sun.nio.ch.SelectionKeyImpl.ensureValid(SelectionKeyImpl.java:73)
at sun.nio.ch.SelectionKeyImpl.interestOps(SelectionKeyImpl.java:82)
at de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpKernel.run(TcpKernel.java:248) -
This error occurs when running shutdownserver in game and when we shut down through Rcon tool. The error is spammed until I force close the server.
at sun.nio.ch.SelectionKeyImpl.ensureValid(SelectionKeyImpl.java:73)
at sun.nio.ch.SelectionKeyImpl.interestOps(SelectionKeyImpl.java:82)
at de.jiw.network.kernel.tcp.TcpKernel.run(TcpKernel.java:248) -
ustom images
Do multiple custom images in multiplayer with the same name still break the world?
Thank you again red51 that link will work perfectly.
Thank you very much Sir red51.
It is flat like minecraft.
I get no converter for version 19.
I have a few questions. My apologies if these have been answered or addressed. This is a dedicated Linux server.
- Is there a way to send saveall command through the console or screen?
- If the server is shutdown without running saveall how much progress will be lost?
- I am curious as to how backups work?
- If I were to implement a backup script what conditions should be met for the backup to succeed.
- I am working on a “file checker”. When I use wget or curl for this link I get this download.php?type=server. I expected to get server_0.5.7.4.zip. What url should I use to stay up to date?
Thank you in advance for any and all help.