Posts by rajkox

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Bug I`ve encountered was bad terrain generation, but just near ocean biome, and not in the sand or water but in grass biome near it... I should say also that I`ve created new 0.7 world.
    Also seems that there are no lakes, just ponds and ocean, but I`ll search more, I am playing RW just for few hours.

    The water is so beautiful and adds real ambience to the game. Unfortunatley though when ever I walk to close to the ocean the world becomes corrupt and rips in the landscape start happening, then i get stuck and are unable to move. This is happening on new worlds and is making the game kind of unstable. F10 dosent seem to fix my issue either.

    Also happend to me. I think I`ll create a thread in bugfixing, as it seems like a new world generation bug.

    Other then Small little ponds , I have not found any lakes in the world at all. I Saw some pictures of larger lakes but I have yet to see the game generate anything more then what I would say is a small rock fishing pond.

    I can confirm this. Only small ponds and one time I actually did found an ocean... But the lake to make an mountain cabin didn`t found.

    In game I cant change resolution anymore since the last update. Default is 1280x720, I tried also changing it in properties file (2560x1440, 1920x1080), it works, but it seems that the mouse highlights and clicks buttons when arrow is not on the button place... Game has also generated two error logs...

    You know, I am just thinking different, and I see no tolerance here...As an example, I didn`t respond nor commented any massage/post here on forum which is licking Reds ass, and there are many of those... I just respect everybodys thoughts.

    About Red.... when I say that I will do something in summer, probablly end of august, and at the beginning of November I didn`t do it, my friends would say that I lied... same goes to Red...

    Finally, I will not argue here who is wrong and who isnt, my next post will be on 24.11. reminding Red again.... and I think that Red is at least 18 so he needs no representatives who are speaking in his name....

    I get so tired of replying to this burnt out wannabe gamer.... But I believe Red is doing the VERY best he can and he is putting out a very fine product. How can I say this??? Glad you asked... Before this update I was not able to or I had to close my eyes for the "DEATH SCENE" Why? because of the spinning and flashing lights. I mention this to Red guess what nest update it was FIXED!!!! NO OTHER I MEAN NO OTHER (yes I know I am shouting but he needs to hear this) company has every care a rats A$$ what I thought or cared. Thank you very much Red. rajkox I suggest you take up knitting to while away your time.

    I believe also he`s doing very best he can.... just swaped priorities.... suggestion to you 58... don`t fall in fire so instantly, i`ll be there on 24.11. too ;)

    Are u guys still going at it? got yall are like a married couple u just argue. For gods sake this isn't a piece of cake it takes time. And red is much more active and responsive than all other companies. The best thing u can do when ur so anxious to play the new update instead of complaining here is go find a corner and jerk off until ur to tired to care. Maybe if ur lucky when the new update comes u wont be blind, but at least u wont be pestering anyone.

    kid, you`re watching pronhub too much...

    Yesterday was just another 24. of a month.... Reminder stays on... Red you know what I`m talking about, right?

    @ArcticuKitsu I think this game will never officially have space exploration, maybe mods or something.... but if you want really good crafting/space exploration now, look at Empyrion-Galactic Survival, it has already 4 planets, 1 moon, asteroid field, community created infrastructure in space and on land, alien life, plants, etc, etc... In two months on EA, developer did more on content and features than most of EA games I own. Sadly EA turned to be semi fraud platform, many developers are doing very little content in a long period of time so on some games EA lasts for 2-3 years now, and they are still selling games as EA....

    There is one more game, with "everything procedural" in it, it is not crafting game, but more space/planets exploration, more like Elite/Frontier... Name is AdAstra...

    As the caption says, with latest Oculus Rift drivers (0.8), and VorpX (0.9), Rising world runs on Oculus Rift DK2. Head tracking works too... Completely new experience. No 3D effect though. We need possibility to change ingame FOV with slider, or at least in console, or something like that already exist? Maybe can Red make a contact with VorpX development team for 3D effect to solve? Would be nice to see RW on a list of VorpX supported games...

    I just saw a cow and bear walking one by another... should the bear chase a cow? Spawning system needs a rework.... first, after running in one directon for a few minutes, animals spawn closer and closer to me, one time bear was spawned right in front of me, and I was, as you guess, killed and eaten. Second, mixture of wild and domestic animals spawn seems a little unrealistic, better would be, yes I will say that, like in Minecraft, spawning in a herd.

    Also, many animals I found in surfice cave entrences and walls were stucked, with half of a body in stone and half in the air...

    Without antialising new grass looks too edgy like a saw, and not all of us have high end graphic card and cpu.... for me, grass as it is now, is a huge downgrade compared to what it was like.

    Would be nice to see community buildings, spawning randomly on the map.... (not monumental buildings, just houses, barns, small villages, etc...)

    Biomes? What was that? I forgot....

    Water? Who needs water....

    Chicken! Yeah!!! I saw one...

    My question is...

    Will "Smeltimg Furance" ever get fuel to work (like, wood, coal...) or it will be always ON/OFF?? Red, you did a hell of a rework with grass, trees, plants, and didn`t so important thing => furance needs a fuel to work...

    One more... maybe it is because I play old world created in 0.5.6, but animals still levitate over cave entrances horizontal on ground surface...


    I`ll remind the comunity and the family for biomes update on 24.10. once again, like I did it on 24.09 and 24.08....

    Both of you missed the point, the truth is that last real content update was in May, introducing ores, and I am trying to amuse myself, while waiting for biomes and water... wait, water comes in 2016.... ;)

    OK, its 24th of September, one week till the end of a month and exactly one month after my first reminder... So, I want to remind Red and the family that we are one month older, and for a few pictures richer....