
A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • When you have a game with only 1 person doing most of the work, It is going to take a long time for anything to get finished , especially if the developer is working on 10 things at once .

    There are several new games that have popped up on steam that are rapidly becoming similar to this . Especially the planets addition to space engineers . Both Metaverse and empyrion are also very close to this in a lot of ways and different in others . Also a new game called Kingdoms was just released on steam. So while we are waiting, there are others to check out . I do not want to leave out Space engine. If they ever do biomes and building on the billions of worlds it can create, it will be great. There is plenty to do. And seriously , I doubt we will see biomes anytime soon. At least for 1-3 months. So check out what else is out there while you are waiting. Rising world's biomes will be done when it is done.

  • There are several new games that have popped up on steam that are rapidly becoming similar to thi

    Space Engineers is awesome but I dont think the planet addition can replace Rising World it is still a different game. I have not played Empyrion but Metaverse and Kingdoms are total crap. Kingdoms does not even have multiplayer :thumbdown:

  • I say again just forget about the biome update for now it's too huge, too much work for so few people and I think it's better to pump out small updates - like Red and the team are doing now. I like this current pace and type of updates.

    P.S. And sagsave you must be Mr. Most irritating teenage boy on the internet- award winner 2015. I say you are 14 years old. Don't get the bed linens too crusty, mom will notice.

  • I say again just forget about the biome update for now it's too huge, too much work for so few people and I think it's better to pump out small updates - like Red and the team are doing now. I like this current pace and type of updates.

    P.S. And sagsave you must be Mr. Most irritating teenage boy on the internet- award winner 2015. I say you are 14 years old. Don't get the bed linens too crusty, mom will notice.

    100% agreed with this.

    Just wait it out & be patient. Again, you can' rush art so stop forcing the issue. Yes, Red51 needs to get it out there, but he's also overwhelmed by it. It be best for another 'small update' to then tend to the biome again. Rajkox needs to chill while waiting it out till it's actually ready to be shared. Purposely ignoring the patience part :/

    And I worry for Sagsave's personality. Just like Rajkox, they both need to chill out because the whole post of either is silly. :/

  • 100% agreed with this.

    Just wait it out & be patient. Again, you can' rush art so stop forcing the issue. Yes, Red51 needs to get it out there, but he's also overwhelmed by it. It be best for another 'small update' to then tend to the biome again. Rajkox needs to chill while waiting it out till it's actually ready to be shared. Purposely ignoring the patience part :/

    And I worry for Sagsave's personality. Just like Rajkox, they both need to chill out because the whole post of either is silly. :/

    You can not just "forget" the biomes update. It is too large of a part of this game . People do not want an endless forest. Actually if you think about this all of the land generation and Biomes should have been written before anything else. You generate the world first then the rest comes later. Anyhow rising world is what it is and I am sure that one day it will have all the features that Red and everyone else wants in it. Red is the developer so we have to take the game the way he designs it and in the order he chooses. There are dozens and dozens of things to play out there while we are waiting. We will get the biomes one day in the future. I still think biomes are weeks and weeks away and I do not think we will get them all at once, probably 2 or 3 at a time.

  • You can not just "forget" the biomes update. It is too large of a part of this game . People do not want an endless forest. Actually if you think about this all of the land generation and Biomes should have been written before anything else. You generate the world first then the rest comes later. Anyhow rising world is what it is and I am sure that one day it will have all the features that Red and everyone else wants in it. Red is the developer so we have to take the game the way he designs it and in the order he chooses. There are dozens and dozens of things to play out there while we are waiting. We will get the biomes one day in the future. I still think biomes are weeks and weeks away and I do not think we will get them all at once, probably 2 or 3 at a time.

    Had to re-read what I posted with me not mentioning anything about "forgetting". What I did say was to be "patient". Don't make me turn this into an argument because I've done such on Xcom & American Truck Sim forum on Steam, and is something I don't want to do :/. It's something I don't want to argue about also. I'm just saying to wait it out, and I am well aware that we're all waiting for the biomes. It should have came out in summer, but I'm also happy with it coming out when it's ready. Best played when it's functional, not when it's a buggy crappy mess. There are many refusing to do update videos because of their tunnel vision on the biome, something that I respect & understand.

    I know the feeling of wanting biomes from the first & second coming of 1.8 update. The "update that changed the world" for Minecraft was highly special for it adding messa & all those other awesome biomes. I've been there, and done that. It be awesome when it finally comes out. I can't play anything before that version because it added so much.

    I'm also waiting to finally get a proper computer so I can heavily invest my time with this, Empyrion, and maybe one other. If it's weeks then so be it. I can wait weeks, and I can wait one more month. If it's not out then Red may need to call in reinforcements from his own team to assist :/. Even so, 'patience is a virtue' here.

  • Arcticukitsu. I meant to quote Avengers post not yours , I agree with you. rising world is what it is and I am sure that one day it will have all the features that Red and everyone else wants in it. Red is the developer so we have to take the game the way he designs it and in the order he chooses. There are dozens and dozens of things to play out there while we are waiting. We will get the biomes one day in the future.

  • You know, I am just thinking different, and I see no tolerance here...As an example, I didn`t respond nor commented any massage/post here on forum which is licking Reds ass, and there are many of those... I just respect everybodys thoughts.

    About Red.... when I say that I will do something in summer, probablly end of august, and at the beginning of November I didn`t do it, my friends would say that I lied... same goes to Red...

    Finally, I will not argue here who is wrong and who isnt, my next post will be on 24.11. reminding Red again.... and I think that Red is at least 18 so he needs no representatives who are speaking in his name....

  • About Red.... when I say that I will do something in summer, probablly end of august, and at the beginning of November I didn`t do it, my friends would say that I lied... same goes to Red...

    I never made any promises, just gave estimations. If you think I'm telling lies (implying some sort of purpose), I'm afraid this is the wrong place for you. I'm going to lock this thread now, since I don't see any purpose in it, just unnecessary rude comments. Everybody is allowed to express his opinion, but this thread is going in a completely wrong direction. If you feel betrayed - sometimes your posts sound like that - I'm sorry about that, but maybe other games (especially non-Early-Access games) are more suitable for you.

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