Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Survival has always been the weak element of this game. Fortunately that has improved somewhat over the previous couple of updates but should be getting much better with the next few updates: new player models with clothing and armor options (offering protection and warmth) to craft after all that extra iron and mithril and leather we've been collecting, humanoid "monsters" and human enemies (as well as traders to help) will be possible with the new player models, primitive tools (built with loose sticks and stones scattered on the ground), replacement tools and weapons (with different material options for heads which presumably add strength and durability values), new weapons such as bow and arrow and some gun types, and boats and fishing rods.

    When NPC logic improves, I'm hoping to see animals eat food resources so we have competition. Then when animal breeding becomes a thing then maybe we can domesticate but also possibly worry about overhunting animal herds or complete with other predators for animal food sources. Just give it time..

    pretty much everything you said is confirmed. the idea of animals tiring out and interacting with each other not so sure but its certainly a good idea. We are supposed to get a stamina meter (probably part of a new survival system) so makes sense to extend that to animals as well otherwise bears will keep following you indefinately.

    I read on here somewhere that the blueprints will get updated to become "construction sites" where you add resources before the final form will be created. naturally a gold ingot will no longer be a crafting requirement for a blueprint. i suspect that construction sites will open the door for crafting boats and wagons because those sort of things dont seem like they should be items to keep in inventory. so basically we might get blueprints for crafting boats. again, this is me speculating based on what I know. just seems like the next logical thing to do.

    One cool thing nowadays is that all the Ubuntu variant distros let you download the installer iso image. The image once burned will boot you into a completely functional Linux system that runs off DVD (or jump drive) and your ram. It is a little slower than an installed copy but let's you really get a good feel of different environments available. The only downside as you can imagine is that no documents are saved when you restart. But launching off a boot disc that way will tell you quickly if your hardware is compatible. Once you reboot, pop the disc out and you'll load back into windows from your hard drive.

    If you choose to install Linux, there is a shortcut on the booted disc to start the installer. It will give you options to repartition your C drive to let you dual-boot Linux and Windows. Basically a boot loader program in the Linux partition is launched from the MBR and let's you choose which OS to boot.

    so Kubuntu has built in Nvidia drivers these days? That's interesting. Gotta love simplified installations. In the past, I always had to download from nvidia, shut down X windows and install kernel headers before compiling the driver and hope it patches X correctly otherwise I find myself editing the xf86 configuration file manually. Certainly not for the faint of heart.

    If you don't have a strong experience configuring and fixing issues in Linux are are looking for a "install and play" experience then I would recommend anything based off Ubuntu including Ubuntu, Mint, Xubuntu, Kubuntu (all they are are basically Ubuntu with different window managers integrated). Several other distros are more strict about available repositories for software that is not free or open source but essential nowadays such as flash support or mp3 support. So getting something like that to work takes a lot of configuration and steps that the novice user may not be comfortable with.

    I personally use Debian but because I prefer precise control over convenience and I'm very picky about configuration files. I wouldn't recommend Debian or Slackware to the beginner.

    A "tube" shape along with a "half tube" and "quarter tube" would be nice! Especially if you can control both the outside and inside diameters.

    I suggested a similar idea to Red51 on adding angular adjustments for the new block system to give us more precise control. He mentioned a few times about improving the construction system for accuracy but I got the impression that he doesn't want to turn the game into a CAD program of sorts. I have some experience with CAD programs myself so I like the idea of entering in numbers to make objects. That way I know I can create the same object each time. But that's not so important for everyone. I'm finding myself accepting that I have to eyeball a lot of things and keep trying until I am happy with the results. The results are good but it takes a bit more time to get there.

    There are some other shapes planned for blocks but there's a restriction that's preventing more blocks and block rotations to be added. I heard this might be resolved in the next few updates by either fixing the original problem or rolling out a new highly anticipated feature where blocks will behave like construction objects (freely scalable, stretchable, and rotatable). Don't know exactly what will happen but I'm almost positive that a quarter cylinder is one of the planned new shapes. A sphere and a tube are other shapes (round and square perhaps) I heard are going to come. Not sure what other primitive shapes would be needed.

    Moria, you fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm; shadow and flame.

    that is a good idea. And it is possible to capture the next occuring weather event via the api and have that trigger a plugin to set weather to default. Throw a randomizer in the mix and you have a tool to greatly increase the chance of clear skies.

    I have a hunch that if rivers were added right now then they would look even more odd than the ocean biome. basically a river might look like a long and narrow lakes so they would have abrupt ends without any logical connection to other rivers, or lakes, or eventually terminating at an ocean. There is a new world type being planned called "Islands" which sounds like it would treat biomes as individual continents (large islands) floating in the ocean. This would make it easier to create a logical separation between continents and should seem more natural. At that point i can see rivers being added and actually looking nice. The current world type is basically one continuous land mass (which is why the oceans just look like large lakes with beaches and not real oceans. The island approach I would imagine mimic the way Minecraft (or real-life) worlds generate and have a more natural feel.

    java.sql.SQLException: attempt to write a readonly database

    check the permissions on the folder where ap is contained. the directory and its contents should be owned by the same user that executed the game server.

    If you extracted the plugin under the root account then you may have to fix the ownership.

    chown -R user:group risingworld will recursively set the user and group you want on the entire game.

    Also, did you restart the server or issue the reloadplugins command after running chmod?