Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)

    Removable ladders would be great for getting down to the deep dark pits. Will add more as I think of it.

    Ladders are already removable like most placeable objects (except blocks) since a recent update . Just hold down your action key and the ladder will be removed. I've already used this to easily reposition ladders when going down deep tunnels in the caves

    <--- One player here who demands a soundtrack! :-D

    There's youtube videos uploaded with the minecraft soundtrack which is where I got the idea of creating one for Rising World as well. If you're not comfortable with the music being posted or youtube or anywhere else then I wont do it. :)

    Thanks for the suggestion about going deep. Now that I think of it, I can just turn off all sound effects so I can get a clean recording of the music so I can add it to my personal collection. It would be cool, however, if there was some kind of "jukebox" feature like in Minecraft to play the music whenever in my home base.

    I want to put together a youtube video of the music in Rising World, or just have them to listen to when I am not playing the game (e.g. at work). Previously there was only the title music and the christmas variation, in addition to the sound effects, in plain ogg vorbis files.

    Since more music was added, and corresponding to the switch over to a new sound engine, the old ogg files have been replaced with the files and . I managed to open these using a Windows program called "Aezay FSB Extractor" which once it located the offset byte was able to read the contents. However, the header information for each track appears to be missing and I cannot play anything. I dont know much about ogg headers but I think that in order to reconstruct an ogg header, I nee more information than simply the bitrate, samplerate, and duration which is provided in the bank archive. ||

    Has anyone else had better luck with this? Maybe Red could possibly provide us with the tracks. :D

    Just a nuiance I discovered...

    I had 127 stone, I crafted 64 block on the block bench
    Now 63 stone is remaining in inventory but the multiplier is still set to the max value of 64 so I cannot craft anymore. I have to reduce multiplier by 1 in order to craft the remaining 63

    The multiplier ( if 1 < inventory < current multiplier ) should reduce to whatever is left in inventory