Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I like the idea of placing blocks vertically or at any angle really. Maybe the solution is to have the default grid in the world and once you choose a custom orientation (not a 90 degree increment) then you effectively spawn a new mini grid that nearby blocks placed can snap to instead of the default grid.

    Red51, how feasible is this or would you consider it?

    I actually was reading up on YAML and I think part of my problem is I automatically use tab (which YAML does not like) instead of white spaces. I removed the file hoping the game would rebuild a new one (it did not) so now I guess I just need to find a different text editor than notepad++, or retrain my muscle memory.

    I was trained in more traditional programming languages where spaces dont matter and now spaces are crucial so this was the biggest challenge in learning YAML, Ruby, and Python. There is an option to convert Tab character to spaces:

    Go to Settings --> Preferences --> Tab settings. Checkmark "Replace by space" and set the number of spaces. Since you are editing YAML files, its probably best to set 2

    Unless you have something truly better in mind, Notepad++ is really one of the best editors I've seen for Windows.

    Hmmm, I do like the idea of crafting or finding music. I know Minecraft lets you craft music records to play in the jukebox. However it makes more sense to find something. Perhaps whenever dungeons are added, that can be one of the treasures to be found, to unlock new music. Heck, a piano roll that could be fed into one of those auto-playing pianos would be pretty neat too

    My only complaint about the music currently is there's one particular piece which has the sound of howling wind in it. When I first heard it, I thought it was hauntingly beautiful. I was in the winter biome at the time and combined with the sound effects ( which like you said in your link, the sounds of walking on snow and snapping twigs all add to the realizm) sounded appropriate for that setting. However I've heard the same piece in other biomes as well where the weather seemed calmer. I hope that eventually the sound effect will be removed or if the music would only be played during eerie weather such as strong winds, rain downpour, and blizzards. I feel that the sounds and music are detailed and organic and given the amount of detail Red is putting into this game, it should be an experience as well as a game when its all done. The sound pieces are there (there are TONS of sound effects packaged in the game but not all of which are implemented yet), just needs some more arrangement.

    hehe.. it looks like you shoveled a path through the snow to get to your fort. That looks neat and I want to try that now when I get home.

    Just curious, what was your impression of the added music? Since you just recently started the game, I assume that you haven't heard any of the music except for possibly the main title theme. On all the youtube videos, the background music is barely audible.

    No pvp exists that I'm aware of. You can enter the console by pressing the tilde ( ~ ) and enter "setgamemode 1" to enter creative mode. I think that if you begin a new world in creative mode then you can just hit F5 to toggle creative mode.

    You mentioned streaming. Have you uploaded any videos on youtube? I've been following as many "lets play" videos of Rising World and just playing them in the background while at work. It's relaxing and enjoying to experience someone else's first impression. It also helps me re-live my first experiences so I don't have to dwell too much on the fact that there is no water yet. :(

    I guess this answers the question I asked in a reply on Steam. I'm surprised you've gone this long without playing a game that you are so passionate about and have been very active within its community. Glad you finally got the chance to experience it. It really is an enjoyable game :)

    With all the additional textures that the biomes update added, I figured it would be a matter of time before the recipes were re-worked. Currently I'm out in the desert with lots of sandstone but nothing to build with it :\

    Obviously I have no idea what the code is doing but, would it make sense that if you level down with the rake that any nearby terrain would switch to dirt texture? i've noticed that technically I can level an entire dirt/grass field without having to add dirt because the material is compatible with the rake. It makes sense when you level dirt, you'd be spreading it out in real life so maybe this would be a solution to the in-game problem.

    Also, I hope a shovel is coming in the near future :)

    I've noticed this issue since before the biomes update. if I decide to do some ground leveling in my area, i would sometimes use the pickaxe to quickly take out chunks of the ground to the approximate level I want and then use the rake to level it. One issue, however, is I expose stone or other material unde the dirt layer so when using the rake, only the dirt area levels but other materials lower than the dirt turns into a hole. I've tried filling the hole with dirt and re-raking but it partially works and I usually get another hole. I think the issue is that some of the underlying material under the dirt is still exposed and the rake is only modifying dirt, not any other texture.

    My work around was to switch to creative mode and paint the terrain with the dirt texture so no more of the underlying texture is exposed to the surface. I can then rake just fine afterwards (or use the smooth tool in creative mode since its much faster). This issue is much worse in the savanah biome where there's dry dirt underneath the normal dirt. In a grassfield or forest, i usually had not much issue covering stone with dirt and raking. Its become more of an issue with the new biomes and additional subsurface textures. I'd like to be able to fix the terrain to my liking without having to resort to creative mode.

    Thanks for the suggestion, I did try that after the third or so tree thinking I was just missing them. Now however the grass grows back so quickly as I keep watering it with my tears :D

    Grass grows back now? I haven't played much since the biomes update so I must have missed the announcement of this one. Does it also spread into dirt areas which have been raked?

    I like the idea of being able to build a mech.. I doubt it would ever be part of the official release but perhaps the ability to add custom creatures would be nice. All the mechanics are probably in the game already since we already have animals but its a matter of the developers exposing parts of the API and providing toolkits for adding custom creatures. Then a modder can come up with a model and bone rigging. Then its a matter of adding a buildable surface on top where the normal blocks can be added onto.

    Would KanColle be any kind of giant transformer? Like Optimus Prime, or MegaMaid from Spaceballs?

    I'm all for the "nudity" but I doubt it will be official. However, the ability to customize your character's skin and clothing should be possible eventually There are slots in Rising World already for armor so I'm sure a skinning system is in the works but is low priority, this includes eventually getting a female character. As a furry, I'd like to customize my skin (fur) colors , replace my head with a fox head and add a tail. I really like the kind of furry character mods that have been done in Second Life and would love to see that kind of flexibility added to Rising World.

    Same with the lighting and night sky which are my biggest pieves about Rising World right now. I want a high-resolution night sky and I want evenings to be nearly pitch black (like in The Forest and ARK). I believe Red mentioned that he liked the night-time lighting levels as is and that's fine but again, its all about exposing an API to modders in order to make modifications desired. I'm sure we will get there eventually. Lets worry about water first :)

    Personally, I would like for the hotbar to stay visible at all times. Whenever the hotbar disappears, I have to usually flick the scroll wheel twice to switch to the next item. 1st time makes the hotbar re-appear and the 2nd actually switches the item. Also, equip or de-equip your current item (like in ARK) would be nice since I personally don't like running around with an axe either ;-p

    Could be nice to have some round woodbeam using wood bark texture, but totally not sure if easily doable or just plain pain to do.

    Last I checked the bench block, there was no bark patterns available but if they were added, it could be applied to a cylinder block, this would achieve a nice log appearance to create a log cabin once all the block shapes can be rotated sideways.

    I do agree that you need to make sandstone furnaces because of cultural differences. You need to make use of what's around you, thus the idea of using bone tools also.

    I like your idea of bone tools. This will be a great way to craft primitive tools early in the game. If the player spawns barehanded (no iron pickaxe or iron axe) , he/she can hunt wild pigs with a stone, if randomly spawning loose stones (like in ARK) are added to Rising World, collect meat and bone and hide as crafting ingredients. Hide can be used for primitive clothing until one can craft a loom to create fabric clothing. It would be nice to harvest plant fibers like in ARK or Stranded Deep. Fibers, combined with bone and stone can be used to craft a simple knives or picks or pickaxes. The bone pick, if used to mine stone, would break rather quickly.

    Along with randomly spawning stones, randomly spawning fallen branches (should be available for harvesting to make sticks (like in The Forest).

    I agree, and been pushing for this as to also justify lugging vehicles, such as logging carts on trains. It's silly they drop into logs when they fall. Be better solved cutting it on the ground, or using something to drag it or have it carried back.

    Have you ever played The Forest? I'm a fan of the wood gathering and storing processes of that game. Chopping a tree down yields several log segments which can be hauled on your shoulder (two at a time) to your base or placed into a log sled which will carry up to 7 logs at a time. This is realistic but ofcourse Red has to find some balance between Realism and convenience. I still wouldn't mine tuning back the Minecraft feel a bit more. For example, personal inventory and chests should only hold about half as much.