Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    The db file itself from the old script is not very complicated. It's just 3 tables that describe the names and boundaries of the areas, a list of chest id numbers, and a list of players assigned to each area and their role. I would imagine the new plugin at most would just a new field or table here or there. Shouldn't be difficult to code that.

    It's very likely that some server owners are running modified versions of the AreaProtection script to suit their needs. The new update is tomorrow and will include some API improvements that will make it possible for the new plugin version of Area Protection to be completed. This should have more features and user friendly compared to the lua version. I really don't see any point in trying to modify or repair the 3.0 script when a far-better plugin is just around the corner.

    Edit wood triangles should also be an option. :)

    Also it might be worth to add a filter for objects greater or less than a certain value on a certain axis. I guess differentiating between x and z axis might be trial and error without knowing where they are in relative to the screenshot view. Y is likely 0 at the bottom of the blueprint so no guesswork there.

    I wish there was in fact a real intention behind this :D Unfortunately it's nothing but a bug, but thanks for letting me know! It's funny that I had the same suspicion this morning after dealing with some of my blueprints, but wasn't sure about that (and wasn't able to reproduce this issue, so I thought it was just my imagination) ^^ However, it looks like this issue occurs only when the blueprint contains multiple chunks (vertically). Nevertheless, it will be fixed with the next update :)
    Btw, this issue did not affect blueprint placement (since the game discards all duplicate objects/constructions anyway)

    Ok, so it's a "feature" then. But perhaps it would be a good feature to consider what I suggested above. If we can someday craft special tools to bend objects then it would take some extra data points to describe that bend.

    Maybe when plumbing is implemented or bending wood beams to create arches this could be useful. Here is a typical hand-operated pipe bender which is useful for routing pipes while a house is being built. Ofcourse larger industrial versions of these exist…Pipe-Bender/dp/B001Z0U5HM

    And for bending wood, basically the same concept but different method. A simple way is to have a shape cut out from a wood beam that represents the arc you want to achieve. This is used as a press and steam is applied to slowly achieve the shape you want:

    Many other methods exist. Here's another idea of using weights instead of a press. This could be used for making custom boat hulls

    Again, if additional data points are used to represent these bends then we'll see some rather amazing new builds. Also, as you've shown plenty of concern about, supporting bends would greatly reduce the number of objects we have to create in order to "simulate" the look of an arch. Perhaps we can also use the extra data point(s) to describe twisted beams such as this:

    Perhaps a new wood crafting station for achieveing arches and twists would work. The current sawbench appears to be just for cutting wood.

    "You're only an idiot if you don't learn something in the end"
    -Some wise guy

    Yes. Hell is around -700 to -800 on the Y axis. . And no dimensional portals in this game are planned as far as I know. However, i'd like to see it possibly to move between servers by stepping through a portal. This could be like a dimensional portal. It would require some new features in the API but I think it would be great and make Rising World more global kinda like Second Life.

    That log looks very normal to me. There must be some external program instructing this (and possibly other) applications to minimize for some purpose. However, considering that it's windows 10, I wonder if there could be some interference with multiple desktops. This is a new feature in Windows ( a feature I've enjoyed in Linux for nearly 20 years now) and it is a little buggy at times. You can hit [Windows key] + [TAB] to view all desktops available. It might be worth trying to remove any extra desktops (all desktops are visible on the bottom of the screen in this view). When you remove a desktop, the windows will be moved to desktop 1 so nothing will get closed.

    Might also wanna disable all the keyboard "enhancements" under the "Ease of Access Center" under the control panel. I find that constantly messing me up when i play many games since Windows then monitors unusual usage of the various control/alt/tab keys on the keyboard.

    Actually you mentioned that the game minimizes and takes you to the task bar. Do you mean the start menu? Perhaps you're hitting the [Windows] key on accident.

    It may also help to disable full-screen mode and disable window decorations in the game. Both are under the graphical settings in the game. This will make the game run in a window as large as the screen but not be "full screen" which is another mode that has been acting kinda funky lately when switching tasks.

    could you try telnetting to a particular server? I'm suspecting that traffic on particular port numbers are being blocked by your new ISP. Use mine as an example. I'm connecting to port 4255 of my server IP and it shows connnected. If you get some kind of error or it hangs then you know its a problem.

    $ telnet 4255
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.

    A ping or tracert command doesnt really tell you anything because those commands send packages on port 1 (ICMP) which should never be blocked except possibly on a server level but never by an ISP. So If I wanted to block ICMP, I could and you wouldn't be able to ping my server but you'd still be able to connect to the game itself

    Was there an existing world save prior to setting that flag? It has to be on a new world (meaning set it before starting the sever and generating the world for the first time) otherwise its likely going to ignore that flag and look at whatever value is set in the sql file for the world save.

    If you have nothing built yet you can probably shut down the server, wipe the Worlds directory and start up again.

    Nah... I doubt if JIW Games will pull an ARK on us. If anything, the price will be increased after version 1.0 (when the game becomes released or just non alpha). The game will still be developed as there is quite a long list of community suggestions yet to be implemented.

    The modding API will be more robust by then so maybe we will see more user written plugins. I would love to see Rising World become a modders choice, much like what happened to minecraft. I doubt DLC will ever be a thing here.

    The modern lighting was added early most likely for building nice homes but an industrial crafting system is planned. there will be electricity, circuitry, and plumbing. but that's a ways away. as others have mentioned, new weapons are planned. a few bow and arrow sets, a crossbow, and a few guns (including a musket) have been modeled and most likely to be bundled with the player model update.

    $200 for Pro or you can go with the systembuild version of Pro which I think is half price. The difference is that the regular pro version is transferable between machines. Systembuild version is only intended to be used on the bios it's registered on first. So if your current computer is on it's last leg, might wanna build a new machine before picking up the systembuild version.

    I thought on Home you can just set your network connection type to metered so it wont auto-download. I've never tried this personally as I only use pro versions of Windows due to the nonsense (like this) that they do on Home.