Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    So I updated the libs folder and the server.jar and started the server. I noticed that my server and a few others on the multiplayer server list are showing up in red. When I try to enter mine I get a message that the connection was refused. Also unable to connect with RCON. the server log shows a normal server start.

    Just thought of something while watching the latest video by Radioman03

    I noticed that without a compass, you still get a pointer that shows you your direction facing. Perhaps without a compass equipped, the pointershould be simply a red dot.

    Honestly, I find the attack rate much better now. But stalking sounds like a good idea for sure. Anything that makes me die more often in this game is a good thing. I started a new world and spawned in a forest where I was shortly after ambushed by wild boars, one after another. After fighting them off with a pickaxe, I crawled out of the forest, leaving a trail of blood, looking for anything to boost my health. I died before I could eat a tomato. There's a bit of a crafting gap now for aquiring bandages (first bandages were introduced, then the crafting process to make them increased). You need to craft a workbench, then a spinning wheel and a loom. If you saw the latest video by Radioman03 then you'll see what I mean. It was actually quite hilarious (sorry Radio) watching him chop wood and craft stations in a panic after being mauled by boars to make a bandage as he's bleeding to death! ;-p

    We really need those primitive tools and bandages that do not require crafting stations. Like in 7D2D we should be able to makeshift bandages from grass (and cotton) to help stop bleeding. Then I'd be all for significantly increasing the bleed rate and the amount of damage that tigers do for example. i just downed 8 tigers in a desert effortlessly in a desert with a battle axe and only took about 10% of damage. Yes, meat should increase aggro radius of predators. Also, perhaps something to mask our scent would be a good way to reduce aggro radius :)

    Ok, just a small criticism on the maze dungeons. I just raided a large one and I ended up with 8 full stacks of gold, 4 stacks of silver, and 10 stone chests.The stone chests are fine but the treasure probably needs to be toned down considerably. That's the kind of treasure I'd expect from some massive hell fortress and would be my reward for fighting off strong demons and dragons or something similar.

    And +1 to the idea of bones and cloths being in the chests. perhaps a few different rooms should be added to the maze such as one with a sacophagus which could have the bones and cloths in it (or rags now that we have them). It would be like doing some grave robbing. perhaps this would trigger an angry ghost for disturbing the grave. This is contrast to the idea I posted months back about a friendly spirit asking you to help find peace by collecting his bones and giving him a proper burial. Thinking longer-term, if we get a karma system, this would be a negative point on your spiritual karma for disturbing the dead.

    Ghost town / Burnt forest biome

    I've notied that sometimes the pickaxe sound on stone or dirt sometimes doesn't play but the sound of the chunk breaking apart does play.

    I'm raising the item sound and master sound volume meter and noticed that the faintness of the picking is still there. It should be getting louder. It seems to be fine when above ground, underground is where its very faint or non-existant.

    Also, regarding the biome arrangement, I've noticed deserts are very rare now but the one I did find was very large compared to the tiny ones I would find in the past where you could stand in the middle and see grass in any direction. Not sure if this is chance or intent but it is an improvement in my opinion.

    not sure if woodworking or wall clocks are planned but pretty much everything else on that list is planned or atleast being considered.

    The API does support importing custom static 3d models. So if you want to import some wooden models you could use the Static Models plugin.


    - I can't really tell, yet somewhat testing out if biome arrangement has been appropriately tweaked.

    Personally I've started a few new worlds and flew around at max speed for a while and was unable to find a desert. The beaches seems to be shaped a little better. Instead of being a large circle of water in a square of sand, they seem to have more variation in how the beach is shaped. i even found one where part of the beach obtruded out into the ocean a bit. i'd love to see sea rocks do that instead but its a step in the right direction.

    I found one pyramid in a pre-discovered desert on my server . There was just a stone chest below a passage underneath. I haven't found a maze yet. Personally i was hoping the pyramids would vary in size. But its good that we finally have a "surface" category of dungeon. I'm assuming the pyramid is of that category. I'd still love to eventually find a surface entrance to an underground dungeon spawn.

    I know that the plan is to make all the really nasty and dangerous stuff underground and just hostile animals and human NPCs and the environment to deal with above ground. So if we choose to go underground there's greater risk with greater reward. But it would be nice if on rare occasion a surface entrance was visible to an underground dungeon to sort of lure those of us not up to the task of spelunking. I remember hearing that dungeons are planned to eventuall go super deep. Perhaps a "surface to hell" super dungeon could be a new dungeon type which would also be an option in the world creation options. This dungeon would be massive and have the strongest of enemies and descend to hell from the surface.

    Speaking of, I really hope we get ropes and anchors soon so we can go spelunking. Maybe after the player models this will come since we can have some sort of rope climbing animation. :thumbsup:

    Well this is exciting! A map! How does one place a marker? Haven't figured that out. Though It's cool. I like it so far. And I don't know if it's the "improved biome arrangement" but i found a beach straight away! Yay. And corn! And weeds!

    I found the map a bit counter-intuitive and I was stumbling to use it at first but basically what you do is...

    right-click to place a marker. You can type in a text label next to it and/or right-click the marker to toggle a little window that lets you change the symbol and color. If you want to delete a marker (this is what got me) then hover over the marker and hit the DEL key.

    Supposedly the API supports spinning objects but it would have to be imported objects, not something built in the game. The problem is the game sees anything constructed as an ungrouped collection of objects. An imported mesh is a single object and can be programmed to rotate or slide or scale. I haven't seen anyone do it yet in the game since the API was released.

    "Lake" and "Ocean" seeds are actually kind of like easter eggs in the game. They are the only hardcoded seeds last time I checked the code. It certainly would be possible to add more for other biomes but thats ultimately up to Red51 to do that.

    Deleting a topic in this forum program is counter-intuitive. What you do is click Edit on the first post (not the one at the very top but in the lower right corner of the first post). Then click More Options in the middle. On the next screen you checkmark a box to delete the topic and then click Submit below.