Posts by zfoxfire

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    This may be added to and edited tomorrow but here are some initial observations of a permission file Harv and I are working on.

    Harv was able to collect pieces of log from the ground, I never could. when we met up in about 10 minutes neither one of us could pick up logs.
    We had pickup: general: allow: -treelogs set. I've replaced this with a list of all treelog types. This seems to have fixed the problem

    Also, he was not able to initially craft lumber but could after a few minutes.

    Crafting workstations seems to be blocked. I alisted all workstations intitially under items but they were unrecognized according to the Log file so placed under objects instead. better but the regular workbench is still unavailable

    shelter is an item but only available to control as shelter1 under objects. fireplace is also listed in both but even under objects, it is still locked out.

    fireplaceskewer and fireplacespit are listed under objects and items but can be controlled by the items list (seems counterintuitive to the behavior of shelter and fireplace)

    btw by default we have deny: - * set for most categories

    Attached is the most up to date file if this is not due to a blug, please provide some general guidelines for listing objects and items.

    I wonder if something like this would be feasible to integrate into the new Area Protection plugin (still being developed) Then it could be selectively activated on certain doors within one's own claim.

    Don't worry. it took me a few months of research (and several headaches) before I finally built my current machine. When you build a computer once every 7 years, almost all the standards change it seems :(

    BTW, I think video editing is more of a CPU intensive process. bur if you have a good cpu and a good gpu and loads of memory (memory is cheap nowadays). then you'll be fine.

    If you have any specific questions then feel free to PM me. The important thing when building a machine is to reduce bottlenecks. For example, hard drives used to always be the bottleneck of system performance (and optical drives before that). the M.2 is the first major jump in hard drive speed in the last few years. Going from mechanical to ssd sata doubled speeds but now going to M.2 is almost 10 times increase. anything to reduce latency is good.

    Speaking of, when you buy memory, check the latency times (eg. 7-7-7-4 ) or something similar. go for a matched set with the lowest numbers possible. The memory will come bundled. e.g. 32 GB across a set of 4 sticks. Paired memory offers best performance since they're bundled at the factory so they're guaranteed to have matching performance. Compared to just simply adding 4 individual memory sticks into your shopping cart in which case the slowest memory stick is your bottle neck.

    Hold on a sec @ArcticKitsu I thought I clarified this with you already. Perhaps you forgot to edit this post. But the Foxbox server has not suffered any fate. My problem was easy rectified by restoring from a full backup I made of the world prior to the update and restarting the server to allow the world conversion script to take its course. I caused the problem initially because I was not as familiar as I thought I was with how the game was stored so I ended up wiping worldpart files because I thought it was duplicate of what is stored in the mysql database. I was incorrect.

    What is happend to you is similar but not because you goofed, unless you dug into the worldpart files and deleted stuff. You have wrong biome chunks on the sides of modified areas (e.g. the chunks beyond each side of the path going through the grass) so I suspect your bp files are missing for that world part. pull up F3 and you'll find the worldpart number you are in. then check your Worlds/{servername}/worldparts folder to make sure you have a bp file matching those numbers. If its missing, that's the root cause. you'll have to recover those from backup and restart the server.

    The wp files and bp files combined with the change data in the sql database are used to figure out how to draw the world whenever the world generation algorithm changes (which happened in 0.8.2 since biomes were re-organized). What happened to my server was that since the wp files were missing, it rendered in world parts using the new algorithm with construction and terrain alterations (from the sql files) ontop which causes nasty results.

    Since you have a rented game server, I have no clue what their backup strategies are. Mine is a barebones vm where i installed Linux myself and configured everything manually to my liking so I have full control over configuration and backup strategies. If you have a full backup tarball file sitting in your game files then you might want to shut down the server and recover to the last version. I presume the backup files are full copies of the Worlds folder (which contains the worldparts, biomeparts, and the sql database). If that doesn't recover your issue then either some files are missing or its a bug.

    @red51 please correct me if i'm wrong about any of this.

    Its doing the same thing with but I see what it is now. The world conversion is taking far longer than it used to be in the past. processors are pegged right now and its just chugging through every world part. I guess this is the new norm. Perhaps superflat without caves would be the best option for fast world conversions :-D

    One of these days Alice; Bam! Zoom! Straight to the moon!

    Anyways personally I like the idea of teleporting between worlds. i have this draft proposal on the API suggestion section I need to finish on seamless transitioning of a player session from one server to another. It should be possible to write a plugin to handle teleporting a player to that other server (assuming there is a trust between those servers and the player is not banned. Then the player's inventory can be transferred and filtered for any unapproved items on the destination. Everything we need is in the API except for a session transfer. or maybe connect/disconnect API calls.

    It's your Stargate, Daniel.

    It shouldn't be too hard to put the map under Steam's sync software but I would recommend making cloud sync optional (not automatic like it is now). I tend to create and destroy lots of worlds as tests and only have one world I want to retain. I also re-use names when creating temp worlds so I imagine I'm confusing the hell out of Steam. Not sure what the storage limitations are with Steam but the map information I've noticed can easily be 5 or 6 times greater in size than the game itself.

    And +7 on @Jon_Miner's suggestion of clickable hyperlinks in the Journal.

    Looks like a good build but I only have a few criticisms

    (1) that power supply sounds dirt cheap. So much other expensive hardware is relying on reliable voltage from your PSU. cheap power supplies do a poor job delivering a consistent voltage over a variety of load or household AC conditions and also keeping the lines free of noise. I've used cheap power supplies in the past and have had them die early due to burning out a 12V rail because they do not load balance between rails, or a few too many brownouts or spikes, or busted motherboard capacitors which took too much abuse due to the quality of the incoming power.

    Spend the extra money and get an intelligent PSU. I have a Corsair RM800i
    The RMi series are very good quality. Other brands have intelligent power supplies as well. Check newegg and look at a few and study the feedback. If you don't mind spending an extra $100 on a PSU, then do it. Your system will last longer and be happier.

    (2) This is kind of a moot point for many but since I have a dedicated GPU card, i see no point having a CPU with an integrated GPU. Its wasted die space that could be used for more cores. When I built my PC more than a year ago now, i went with a Xeon processor instead of the mainstream line. Xeon's are not super ridiculously expensive anymore but you can get a processor with 6 cores (12 threads) for a little more money than a quad core ( 8 threads) with an gpu built in that you'll never use. Now Xeons for 7th gen core processors just came out this January. But I assume that the fact that you're going for an i7 processor tells me that you do more with computers than just play games so for me the extra two cores (4 extra threads) is well worth it. Looks Xeon now shares the same socket type as the consumer series so that simplifies motherboard hunting probably but still check with the motherboard manufacturer to see if both processor series are supported.

    (3) Unless Seagate has redeemed themselves, I wouldn't buy anything from them.. I've heard plenty of negative reviews of hardware failure or bad customer service. Consider Western Digital. They're slightly more expensive but considering how dirt cheap mechanical storage is nowadays its negligible.

    (4) is that Samsung Evo in M.2 form factor with a PCI-e 4x bus? M.2 drives are finally dropping in price. SATAIII bus is limited to 500MB/s but the PCI-E 4x bus(in M.2 form factor) lets you run SSD drives up to commonly 2500MB/s (maybe higher is possible but the price would be stupid crazy). I can get a 500GB M.2 drive that fast for about $200 last I checked. The cheaper M.2 drives are about as fast as 500MB/s like the SATAIII bus even though they're usin an PCI-e 4x bus.

    I did wipe the Worlds folder because I didn't know it was necessary as the game is using mysql. Normally backups of the game folder average about 45MB compressed. The last backup was nearly 1/2 GB so I thought they might be temp files (normally I exclude cache from backups). But those files were generated from the last version so I assumed (famous last words) that they were old temp files from the last world conversion and not important since everything is in mysql. Has this behavior changed? That Worlds folder has always been empty for me in the past.

    Anyways, I took a full backup (including Worlds) since I wasn't sure so I'll recover from that and see what happens