Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    1. I think the direction when using the scrollwheel is backwards from Minecraft. There should be an option to reverse this or possibly make a keyboard/mousebutton assignment out of this (if popularity demands).

    2. Wow! I didn't even realize there was a quantity number in the corner of the hotbar slot for a stack. I have also noticed just now that there is no transparency layer in the hotbar. Darkening the hotbar background and making the numbers lighter in color would make for better contrast.

    Ok, now to add on to your list....

    3. When saving a blueprint, I cannot tab from the name field to the group field. I have to click instead.
    4. Blueprints are still consumed in creative mode but other items are not.

    .. more to come, now that you have me thinking about this ...

    Modified texture jars would work for now. Most of us use Steam and can simply "uninstall" the modified jar by validating our game copy. However, this is not ideal and I really doubt if Red51 would approve of jar hacking (that kinda falls into the realm of how most Minecraft mods work and he really wants this game to be mod friendly by expanding the capabilities of the official API). Ideally there should be API methods to override any internal textures (be it block or ground texture or wood beam/plank, object materials, or NPC material (incase anyone wants rainbow colored cows for example).

    I've seen a few others attempt to modify the game textures by modifying jars but now that we have a powerful API, a formal request for this feature should be made here to add some API features for the same or just a generic texture pack support which would not require a 3rd party plugin:

    Feature Requests

    I have a small suggestion. Could you add a sample config file or atleast state how the entries should be written? I had to open the Teleport plugin in a decompiler to figure out the format to use.

    There are a few other pages floating around for specific regions. when I was looking for yours last night, I also found one for Czechoslovakia and Brazil. Having a generic one certainly won't hurt. :)

    If you're running the server on your local machine, make sure that port port forwarding is still active. As @yahgiggle mentioned, depending on your ISP, you may get a new IP after a given amount of time (usually 24 hours), so if your forwarded ports only take a specific IP into account, it may no longer be valid. Here you can find out if your ports are still forwarded:

    Also make sure that you always run the server by executing the win_startscript.bat, never execute the server.jar file directly (unless you run it from a command prompt).

    About the saving behaviour: The world will be saved every 10 seconds, and it will also be saved when the server shuts down gracefully.


    I know nothing about Windows the Linux script appears much more advanced and incorporates start and stop modes. The windows script just seems like a wrapper for running the jar. Nothing fancy. Windows has start/stop/restart modes for services just as Linux does. Would it be possible to have a new Windows script added that can be used as a Windows service?

    i know that domestication of animals, animal breeding, and more item drops from animals is planned. Also a cooking system.

    Now lots of fans here (myself included) have made suggestions for a leveling system and a skill tree system. While Red51 seemed interested in the ideas, nothing official was ever announced. At minimum, there will be a system for clothing and armor to offer protection from impact and extreme temperatutes. Fortunately with dungeons now just days away, player models will be the next big update so we might get some more info about the player models real soon and maybe some screenshots. :)

    I've heard lots of good things about Wurm unlimited but from what I understand of the game, that level of crafting complexity might be beyond what I would expect from Rising World. But who knows? This is an alpha game and there never was any guarantee that the game will be anything close to what it was when it first hit Steam. I guess we shall see. I would like to see harvesting, crafting, and construction in Rising World be a little bit more complex than it currently is but something that mimics Wurm might be a bit too extreme. I just dont want to spend all day building a boat and worry about what my sucess rate is of hammering a nail into a board. :/

    While I personally have not had this issue, I'd try opening the world save file with sql lite editor (assuming you aren't using mysql) and edit the group value manually in the Player table. The db file should be under Worlds/<savename>/<savename>.db

    It's mentioned that any command can be ran only by admin, does this mean any legacy/classic admin in the config file, any member of the admin group, or anyone using RCON?

    Also, is it possible to add a command to mimic the setplayergroup console command? I find myself using this the most but unfortunately I need to be inside the game (impossible from my underpowered work computer) in order to run the command. The capability to do this from RCON would be extremely helpful.

    The "forum potato" guy was a special type of troll. He's the one i responded months back to his negative review and shortly after we had a wave of negative reviews that actually caused the recent review % to drop. I'm surprised that guy even bothered to return and try and start more horse fecal matter. Fortunately Red ended that crap quickly. I guess we will see how things go.

    we are super close to that dungeon update. But hey, lets bump the sale cost from $15 to $30 to fund additional developers. I'd be game but I bet it would trigger a wave of negative reviews that "this game is not worth $30"

    Better yet, set up a donation box and i will gladly donate some cash towards expanding the dev team... seriously. this game is direcly linked to my happiness and gaming is a cheap form of therapy and I've paid a few thousand to meet my insurance deductable :S