Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    you dont need to drop the user you can just copy anther users inventory blob into another users to fix it, the only problem is your end up losing what you had and end up with the same items as who ever you copied had, but thats a small price to pay to get back on the server.

    Yeah, i just had the same thought. But its not my server so not my problem. I was just trying to help out on Discord earlier today when the problem came up.

    I totally agree that single player gets boring after a while. Multiplayer is what renewed my interest in the game lately.

    Most servers are visible to the the public and are listed under the multiplayer section when you launch the game. All are privately owned and have varying different rules and etiquette. Usually you can just log in and start playing and modifying. many others are locked down more and you have to be granted permissions after you join but you should atleast be able to look around on most of them. Others do not use the permission system and just require a password to get in. Feel free to look around and see what you like. :)

    Building cooperation is possible for sure. Depending on what server mods are installed. For example, the Area Protection script lets one or more players share ownership of an area and build together while protecting it from modifications from other players.

    The API is just a replacement for the old scripting system. It allows us to write mods and intall them. many of the more popular servers are running mods to help manage users and make the game fun for everyone.

    Quests and 3rd person are planned but not supported yet.

    Ok, things are becoming more fine tuned and I feel like I have a good handle on my server now but I do have one question about the items section but it is not very well documented in Red's article on the new permission system from last year. Does anyone have a complete hierarchy of all the lists and sublists under items?

    hah! now I wonder. The worst I saw in the water update is the occasional water pond above or next to a cave opening so it looked like essentailly a floating water block. Nothing too serious however. The biome update with the mis-aligned chunks was probably the worst glitch. Ateast with the floating ores (never verified this because I bought the game right after the ore update hit) from what I understand disappeared in existing worlds after a patch.

    My understanding is dungeons might spawn in existing chunks (underground only). So at worst, you may get a broken dungeon if you build in an area where a dungeon would normally spawn. II guess that dungeons will not modify or overwrite an existing chunk. So sounds like we should be ok as far as terrain and building goes but I'm guessing that at worse, Vortac's fallout shelter on the beach might get an unexpected expansion. He can invite guests over for his Christmas at Ground Zero party and show guests the new torture chamber expansion he got for Christmas!!! XD

    I hope Red understands we aren't laughing at him by discussing bugs but laughing with him because the bugs actually what makes early access so much fun. Well, that and the opportunity to watch the game grow.

    Arizona is beautiful. I want to go out there and spend a few nights in the desert. I almost made it last year on Christmas break but had to turn around from a really bad storm that hit unexpectedly. It also didn't help that I left for vacation the morning after the Biomes update ;-p I guess there was more than one reason that made me turn around.

    I'm sure with as much quality that goes into these updates, we're still gonna have a week of debugging and patching following the update. It never fails ;-p


    This is typically caused by your Steam client losing its connection with the Steam API. Restarting Steam almost always fixes the problem.

    The area protection script lets you draw a box and then assign users to it with permission levels. The box is drawn along the box grid. If that's not what you are looking for then I'm not sure what you mean by "create an area of X number of blocks".

    Wow! I never thought of sculpting sandstone like that. It looks very beautiful. I'd love to see that naturally generate some day.

    Sorry, I was distracted from the amazing palace build by the sandstone. ;)

    Yes, the current look of desert biomes which border with mediterraniean biomes do feel like you are somewhere in Africa. Use of the arabic scale, plus some instruments in middle eastern culture (i could not name the instruments) would give the desert an authentic feel. Regarding American deserts, those still need to be added to the game and I sincerely hope Red intends to do so as they would add so much to the diversity of game biomes. The Desert Solitare album has such a western Americana feel and its essence would be more apropriate for those biome types.

    *blinks* There will be dungeon music? Ooh how exciting! I had the opposite impression. Maybe something disorienting yet more refined than that sample you posted a while ago :whistling: (I seriously enjoyed that clip even if you were not serious about it. I found its disorienting sound to be appropriate while exploring a creepy place)

    I love ambient music and soundscapes as you can tell. :)

    My impression from chatting with Waveshapr in the past is that the game music will be themed for different regions and different times of the day. The "Under the Pale Moonlight" piece is obviously a night time piece. But in general the music plays at random. At some point as more music is added and things are re-organized more then I'm sure the music will feel more themed. For now, I just wanted to share some ambient from my collection as inspiration for writing a kind of desert suite of music.

    This seems fitting for walking over endless dunes. A spin of this might be suitable for daytime when the sun is high in the sky but this piece personally always felt appropriate for night time . Perhaps the beat reminds me of other music I enjoy when i stargaze.

    This sounds like something you'd hear as the sun goes down and the sun rays are shooting in your eye. If you've seen the Terminator 2 movie as Sarah connor is watching the parents play with their kids in the desert as the sun begins to set then you'll understand the feeling. This gets really good after 2 minutes but there are some sound effects mixed in towards the end that only seem appropriate to the movie and not the piece in itself.

    Something for exploring pyramid ruins or some other abandoned places in the desert. A vast natural rock garden with massive boulders scattered or a place such as Balanced Rock in Idaho comes to mind. This piece just screams "magnificent desolation" but has a very eery feel as well. Again, this feels like a night time piece but is dependant on location.

    Despite the name, this piece always makes me think of vast open spaces with grand mesas, canyons and arches. This is what I'd play in my mind on a day where the sky is clear, the humidity is low and you can see nothing but colored rocks seemingly endless in each direction. It's not too hot yet so you can sit in comfort and marvel at the view:

    And now a quote from Edward Abbey who wrote Desert Solitaire which was the inspiration for some of the music above that Michael Stearns and Steve Roach collaborated on.

    May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.

    also, i took a closer look into my disappearing areas and found that database entries are not writing when i create areas. now strangely enough there are gaps in the index of areas. i wonder if an incomplete write occurred. i'll study the script closer to see if anything pops out to me. i assume this is an error handling issue.

    So to clarify on the last question brought about groups, it is currently not possible to assign permission groups to protected areas, only users?

    I really hope this gets improved in the next version because I'm becoming a bit more fine-tuned with permissions now and want to be able to assign groups to certain common areas and not have to assign individual users to each individual space.