Changelog 2016-11-02: Explosive!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Haven't played the game in a while myself but I have checked out these past couple updates, great job. Only thing that's got my curiousity is wondering what's coming next? @red51 can you please give us a few spoilers on what you got planned going on behind the scenes? Perhaps a Livestream on Twitch? I really did enjoy the game till my world got hit with the terrain bug following a "PC Refresh" and reinstalling it. Wasn't to thrilled about that but I made blueprints of all those projects to restart the world again later on. I guess I'm waiting for some kind of big update that will give us the opportunity to customize our avatars or wear, create or build custom armors. Might you have something like this in the works? It would be great to know what kind of ideas you got bouncing around in your head :) Anyways wishing you the best of luck, hope to hear from you soon. Later comrades :)

  • The dungeons update should be next. The last update did some prepwork (behind the scenes presumably) in addition to bringing the tnt and flare. The player models have been in development for some time now and are supposed to come after the dungeons. I hope we will get some previews of the player models soon. Lately Red51 has been offline for days at a time from what I can tell so he mist be really deep into the codw right now so I imagine the dungeons are so close. There is probably no point in revealing any more dungeon previews than what was already given a few months back.

    The anticipation is very real right now! :D

  • The dungeons update should be next. The last update did some prep work (behind the scenes presumably) in addition to bringing the tnt and flare. The player models have been in development for some time now and are supposed to come after the dungeons. I hope we will get some previews of the player models soon. Lately Red51 has been offline for days at a time from what I can tell so he must be really deep into the code right now so I imagine the dungeons are so close. There is probably no point in revealing any more dungeon previews than what was already given a few months back.

    The anticipation is very real right now! :D

    The dungeons has got me curious though for example are we going to see bandits or some type of hostile entity? I don't know about you or anyone else but I wouldn't mind a group of bandits to come raid my towns once in awhile just for the thrill & excitement of having something to actually fight. Yeah you could build your home in a savannah and fight all the lions, tigers and whatever else tries to maul you but they don't have any special loot tables which leaves it kind of meah :/ about the whole idea of building there. The tnt can come in handy for clearing out large plots of land or perhaps you just want to blow a mountain up? :huh: yeah I just said that lol. I like the flares though it doesn't quite help clear up the visibility under water much. Perhaps these are things which can be added onto eventually? I don't know maybe my expectations are set a bit too high and too early for what @red51 has up his sleeve. Really wish he had a team of developers working with him, maybe @Chrisx84 & @SilverSatin can work with Red?? That would be interesting :) Oh well back to YouTube for me I got some cracked ribs that need to finish healing up. (In short I got very, very sick and spent a few days in the hospital and wanted to see if anything new came to the game yet.)

  • oh man.. you said ribs and I got hungry :)

    There are clues scattered around this forum here as to what is coming but essentially yes, some bandits are planned as well as other NPCs. Some are friendly and helpful while others are hostile. The NPCs are dependant on the new player models since they will be customizable.

    Dungeons are supposed to have some kinds of enemies which is why time was spent recently to fix the animal AI. Pigs no longer fly but hell hasn't frozen over yet. When we get real lava down there then maybe we can make that happen. I've already made a swimming pool in hell. Unfortunately the lava is just a layer guaranteed to kill you instead of an actual liquid block like the water. Would be nice to have ice or obsidean in hell.

    I havent tried flares yet in water but they are perfect for spelunking when you run across one of those massive pits where you cannot see the bottom. Drop one down and you will see exactly how far down the bottom is. I hope sulfur makes its way to the surface spawning. Player models are customizable with craftable clothing and armor. I think we are going to get a mining hat as well (with a lamp).

  • My ribs are needing to be healed, mine :) Didn't know you loved them so much They're all bruised and muscles torn from being so sick, sorry you just can't have them =O I better run from you before I become the menu :)

  • I don't know about you or anyone else but I wouldn't mind a group of bandits to come raid my towns once in awhile just for the thrill & excitement of having something to actually fight.

    Wow....Careful there or else you might offend people who would much rather hide in peace mode, then shout at you whenever you want to add something that'll keep you on your toes. Glad we have a thing called filters so your desire (as with mine) is the same. :thumbup:

    A bad sarcastic joke aside....... I do look forward to this because it gives you reason to build up, to justify your weapons, to give you actual purpose in the world, and would allow you to have fun with NPC followers which may come in from either creative or survival side of things. The moment where you can hire the server's NPCs, or even your own (ones you would either rescue in wild or hire from a pub) as you wander around the world while chilling in your settlement(s). Can't wait to see what Red51 has in store for pirates, bandits, raiders, and etc. Should be awesome.

    When you're being attacked you tend to build clever buildings & travel ways as so hostiles don't get at you, and it would be interesting to see how people would adapt. Just look at how people built ' Timber & Stone' when they managed to dig in properly. Yeah, still waiting on dungeons update to then allow us the option to customize our avatars. Should give way for both hostile & peaceful humanoids to enter the mix, as well as vehicles, and other stuff. I can't wait for horses....Still itching for them, and 'mass-produced' gravel.

    (Goes to read more postings)

  • when is the new uptade ?If you develop the game faster, you will gain more.Updates are inadequate and slow

    To be this good of a game requires a lot of hard work from the development team. We're all looking forward to the next update. Hell, most of us look forward to the next update right after an update is released. I'm sure the team knows very well about game traction when it comes to releases, but which is better: to have an update full of bugs that not only crashes your system, but also causes it to accidentally blow up which would cause you to hate the developers and contemplate a lawsuit just because fans want it faster, or a finely crafted update that runs smoothly on your system and makes you totally forget the fact that you were supposed to be at work or school three days ago?

    Some games (I'm not going to name any (cough Minecraft cough)) has been known to take up to a year for a new update, and while I don't have documented statistics, I'm sure the game is still selling well even at day 300 with no new update.

    If it's out before Christmas, then that makes it one heck of a present. If it's out by the end of the year, then it's one heck of a way to end 2016. And if it's out in early 2017, then what a way to start the new year. Okay, maybe it's time for me to tone down my optimism. Heheheh But like you, I'm looking forward to the next update very much. Whenever it gets released, I know it'll be great.

    That said, Merry Christmas to you.

  • we are super close to that dungeon update. But hey, lets bump the sale cost from $15 to $30 to fund additional developers. I'd be game but I bet it would trigger a wave of negative reviews that "this game is not worth $30"

    Better yet, set up a donation box and i will gladly donate some cash towards expanding the dev team... seriously. this game is direcly linked to my happiness and gaming is a cheap form of therapy and I've paid a few thousand to meet my insurance deductable :S

  • Darwin echoes my thoughts perfectly.

    Again, go over to SCS Software's blog and you'll see that people toxicly push the developers to release more states & maps for both Euro Truck SIm 2 & American truck Simulator. It's more idiotic when you know SCS can't, yet they would love to. It's their passion project. They would have released more states & content when able, yet they just humanly can't. Red51 can't. He wishes he could, yet can't. People keep calling SCS Software lazy, maybe purposely feigning ignorance (or just brainless) that making maps takes a long time of work and effort. Trying to make sure everything within the update works while also keeping enough content available for smaller updates to keep things spread out and balanced. Trucks alone is said to take a year (or more) to release in proper license fashion. Countries & states takes roughly quartly to a year to release (look at Arizona & re-scale for American Truck SImulator). All those assets having to be made, placed, polish & etc. Having to make sure the AI functions, among others. Compare that with what Rising World released with, not ignoring any update as another user managed to.

    "Why aren't you releasing more states/countries/nations and bigger. You guys are extremely lazy! You guys should be focusing on making more maps, not these shitty side updates! GO TO HELL YOU LAZY DEVELOPERS! I BOUGHT THE GAME, AND YOU HAVE TO DO AS i SAY YOU JACKASSES! LISTEN TO ME AND MAKE MORE MAPS YOU LAZY IDIOTS!" - SCS Software community

    Yeaaaaahh.......Now use that exact mentality in Rising World's situation. Not being a 'forum potato', as one brainless forum troll claimed us to be, yet things just can't release on a whim......

    Darwin skimmed the mention of Minecraft with Mojang being slow & sloppy, yet even they take an eternity to release proper updates. They may not be using common sense, and they may be sloppy as hell, yet when they release something it takes them a good year, or more, to release. They really take the time to make sure everything is polished by allowing people to feedback on a weekly basis near the actual release of the updates via 'snapshot' releases.

  • The "forum potato" guy was a special type of troll. He's the one i responded months back to his negative review and shortly after we had a wave of negative reviews that actually caused the recent review % to drop. I'm surprised that guy even bothered to return and try and start more horse fecal matter. Fortunately Red ended that crap quickly. I guess we will see how things go.

  • Anyone get any game updates yet today? It's 12:10 PM Eastern Standard Time so there's plenty of time left for today. Only asking because due to Time Zone Variances other regions would receive the update before others and I'm interested in what's new.

    Hi @zfoxfire :) Season 3 starts next month.

  • Anyone get any game updates yet today? It's 12:10 PM Eastern Standard Time so there's plenty of time left for today. Only asking because due to Time Zone Variances other regions would receive the update before others and I'm interested in what's new.

    Hi @zfoxfire :) Season 3 starts next month.

    From what I remember in the past, the update has hit between 4pm and 6pm EST. So we still have a few more hours to go. But no guarantee that will apply today.

  • Fine with me. I wouldn't have been able to squeeze in Rising World tonight, yet tomorrow I can have fun doing testing after 6 pm EST onward. I guess you guys can be the guinea pigs while I play the actual game bug free :whistling: /jesting

    Oh, the hype is now real, yet Red51 needs his sleep. Let him sleep. If I knew he was needing sleep I wouldn't have poked him. Go get some sleep! Sleep is important. You can see that when I get cranky here. :/

  • Message just got updated. At Least it's clear about when. Oh well. Tomorrow morning EST

    Yeah I just caught that, sounds cool :) Now @red51 got me curious about the "Live" part. Wonder if he has a Livestream in mind for tomorrow on YouTube? That would be interesting to watch supposing it's in English or has subtitles in English that is. Either way Season 3 is depending on this latest update and what it might bring to the game mechanics. We've seen world slices before and I'm trying to avoid that this time around. Which means Season 3 will be locked in this specific update through use of Beta under Steam/Rising World-Properties/BETAS . Oh well, hope this update is a good one because locking in on a specific update for a season duration means little to no new content unless a world corruption fix has been applied. Just trying to cover all my bases so history doesn't repeat.

  • Fine with me. I wouldn't have been able to squeeze in Rising World tonight, yet tomorrow I can have fun doing testing after 6 pm EST onward. I guess you guys can be the guinea pigs while I play the actual game bug free :whistling: /jesting

    Oh, the hype is now real, yet Red51 needs his sleep. Let him sleep. If I knew he was needing sleep I wouldn't have poked him. Go get some sleep! Sleep is important. You can see that when I get cranky here. :/

    As a jest what if @red51 was a girl all this time and we kept calling her a he? Hmm.. ;) Well we never know till someone asks him/her skirt, kilt or shorts? ^^ lol, ttyl old friend let's play some Fallout 4 till tomorrow :thumbup:

  • As a jest what if @red51 was a girl all this time and we kept calling her a he? Hmm.. ;) Well we never know till someone asks him/her skirt, kilt or shorts? ^^ lol, ttyl old friend let's play some Fallout 4 till tomorrow :thumbup:

    Do not worry red51 is a guy lol I can confirm this. Lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

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