Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    can this plugin be configured to only allow certain textures to be placed? i would like to restrict players from placing ores. only gravel, or dirt.

    Not necessarily, if the "balloon" is implemented as 3D text, it just needs to be positioned above the player position, which is well known. and then added as a WorldElement to the world of each player nearby. It would be necessary to rotate it so that it always faces the on-looking player, but this is rather trivial trigonometry.

    Neither. The distance can be easily calculated from the respective player positions, as volume decreases with the square of the distance, it is not even needed to calculate the 'real' distance (which requires an expensive square root): the square of the distance is fine.
    Maybe, the whole may have some performance impact, as distance and rotation angle needs to be recalculated for each pair of players, whenever one of them moves.

    Interesting .... Thanks for the insight. Something tells me you're already working on this. ;-p

    Thanks Miwarre.

    Hey DaBoiye, Wanna go underworld diving to see if the F2 double-tap works? Fly mode is disabled and you can take a few stacks of gold with you to see if the keepinventory on death option works :-D

    Do all things for science!

    I do remember him mentioning (back in 2014) eventually making some official ones. There's so many unofficial ones open to browse that its probably not that important right now. Maybe when story mode and NPCs gets implemented then he could set up an interactive showcase of what the game can do. For now, the servers are pretty much a builders showcase. The worlds are static but fortunately the new API and eventually the NPCs will change all that.

    The giant box encompasing smaller boxes seemed to work before i fixed my group issue. I found some typos in the yaml files, spaces in values and capitalized values. Once I fixed that the groups are visible. I can now assign users to groups :)

    Then the giant box locked out everyone's access. I figure only the inner most box would apply to the user. Oh well, i deleted the giant box for now any my players are happy. Will mess more. I'll dig into the settings more later and look into yahgiggle's suggestion.

    Also tried /reloadgroups to see if it would restore the missing areas. No luck

    Is there a permission to prevent users from raking dirt? I don't believe that falls under digging

    I want members of my server to be unable to make changes in unclaimed areas. So yes, a server-wide restriction but I was hoping to simply set a rule but if not then I'll make an insanely large box!

    100,000 in each direction from the 0,0 and that should be enough :)
    The max build height is 250, right?

    I was thinking about how awesome it would be to have a plugin that echoes chat messages to speech bubbles over the players head rather than in the chat window.

    To accomplish this, we need to know the position of a player's face on the screen. if they go offscreen then the value should be the point along the edge of the screen in line with the face.

    I guess additional player methods needed would be something to get the distance between two players so we can determine whether the other person is within "hearing" range.

    I'm embarassed becase I write ansible scripts at work so I am familiar with the YAML format. I obviously copied the file from a bad source and didnt bother to verify the format . because of that, I assumed the content was wrong, not the formatting.

    Anyways, I encountered a problem with the AP3 script. a few areas disappeared after a server restart so i drew new ones. after another restart, some of them came back so i had some overlapping areas to fix. I will try to reproduce the error.

    Also as far as strategy, I want to deny all non-admins permission to modify all area. i can do that in the permissions files but I assume that will also affect their assigned areas as well. So is there a way to create a global area with the AP script? I really need to study the script to understand what it does exactly.

    Oh well this is embarassing! many of those spaces in those files (which I must have copied from somewhere) had tabs instead of spaces. I fixed that and got atleast admin.permissions and default.permisisons to work. My other custom groups are not but I'll tinker with them some more when I have the chance to. I'm much closer now.

    Thanks for your help Yahgiggle. sorry to bother you with something so silly like this...

    Oh, I also noticed some of my yaml variables were appended with "info_"

    e.g. info_shownametag instead of shownametag .. Are both of these acceptable?

    Hi Yahgiggle,

    Yes. I eventually figured out the AP does not work alongside with the permission system, it only offers land protection. What I'm trying to do now is apply default restrictive permissions to all users. I guess after setting up area protection for a player, I then need to add them to a permission group to allow them to actually build.

    So I have AP figured out now. However, I'm still stuck at getting the default.permissions file to apply. I also have a copy of default.permissions in the groups folder under a different name. However after restarting the server, the default.permisions do not apply to a user nor can I assign a user to the group defined under groups. setplayergroup returns an error that the group does not exist. so if the group file is Guest.permissions under group then the group name should be "Guest" in the command. Right?

    yep do removearea then remake it bigger lol been funny a side this is in fact the only way we can do it ATM but i guess the next updated protection will have a resize option

    Drats! Ok, well I'll take a peek at the db file and see if that can be edited directly before re-creating the area.

    good idea groovaholic :)
    It can help us till whe get some ingame map, where i hope whe also can place different markers on it (like dungeons/places of people/good hunting zone/nice views/...)

    Oh and i also want the option to set the collor of ingame lights (dont know if possible aready?) so i can iluminate my building in specific collors at specific times (like 1hour its red, the next purple,...)

    Cycling light colors might be possible now with the API. The script would have to essentially create a database listing the lights we are interested and then replace them with different colored variations at certain times. Someone would have to write a plugin. But a generic programmable light or just timers in general would be awesome. When we get a real electrical system in game, I imagine that might happen.

    The new GPS plugin allows you to set waypoints but yeah, not the same. I'd love something similar to the Journey Map plugin for Minecraft. It places a colorful beacon in the sky for each waypoint. but yeah... markers on the compass dial itself would be cool too. Maybe we need some sort of advanced craftable compass that lets you cycle through waypoints on the dial :)