pretty sure an official map is planned but the api seems to have enough to support a 3rd party one
Posts by zfoxfire
It is just a perception. Considering that only one person writes the code, the update frequency is perfectly acceptable. I say "slow" because that's going to be the perception of newcomers to this game. It's best to set the expectation than to have people wondering why things are "taking so long". Am I perpetuating it? Probably. I realize the types of updates going on now are complex and probably can't be broken up into smaller updates. I remember after the Water update we got a few tiny updates containing new craftable items which came out real fast. To me, that's what would be preferred. I imagine Rising World development will be "slow" for the remaining of the alpha stage. In beta, focus should be more on tweaking and tuning rather than designing from scratch. Is "slow" a poor choice of words? Perhaps. But as I said, its important to set expectations with the community.
Back in the day, early access would not have been possible so no end users would have experienced the wait time for development. Back then the software was boxed and shipped to stores. Only then did they become available to play. Software updates afterwards would have been rare without Internet. I'm sure it still happened on a small scale over BBS' but that was probably with shareware, not big-box software.
I am glad that you agree that sometimes "soon " is the only answer you can give. I also am happy that you agree that a small effort goes a long way. I feel that Red51 excells in efforts to communicate with and support the community. His efforts in that regard do compensate for slow development blues.I am confused however what you are really complaining about if you are a developer yourself and understand development setbacks and how personal life complicates things.
The new API specs were just published and Red has been actively helping the modders here to begin transitioning to it. New player models combined with lots of new object models and replacements for old ones have been in development since earlier this year. Water, models, dungeons, and the new API have been developed pretty much in parallel for a while. I'm sure you can understand how that can complicate things especially when only one person writes the code. So yeah, "soon" or "it gets there when it gets there" is about the best you can expect officially cause as I said before, he has gotten burned in the past for making deadlines that fell through.
ArcticKitsu is explaining similar frustration as he deals with people on other game forums that do nothing but complain and badmouth when updates are slow. We have a good community here. Most of here accept "soon". Dungeons will be ready soon. The new API is going to be integrated first however. Btw, i hope youve had a chance to look at the api yorself. If you are a modder then we would appreciate any feedback you have in that regards.
this reminds me of somebody who left a negative review on steam about Rising world. He claimed the game was s***** because the file size was so small.
I later suggested to Red that he convert all the texture files to BMP and the music and sounds to WAV and maybe add an uncompressed 1080p intro video for the sake of artificially inflating the game size
The point is that file size is irrelevant. If everything is procedurally generated then the file size will naturally be tiny. Just check out those 64k demos for PC computer
Red, thankyou for clarification on PivotPoint. The doc makes more sense now.
I am 33, I also have memory and learning problems myself. I am very slow learning new things and become extremely frustrated trying to learn new stuff and my job requires me to learn lots of new languages and tools on the fly. I make up for most of my short comings with adderall (just started a few months ago and i wish I started taking it before I went to college) and just working 50 + hours a week to compensate for my short comings. I spend time at home learning new things or sometimes spend 4 hours at home focusing on solving one problem that was annoying me for days at the office.
I understand college is not cheap. I paid for community colege out of pocket. I conveniently finished my associates at the same time I got laid off from my last tech job at the peak of the recession in early 2009. I went to a university after and even with unemployment benefits and grants racked up $50k in debt from student loans and credit cards. Im sloowly paying that off now. The job I have now and my sallary was totally worth the sacrifices I made. I also have security knowing I have a diverse portfolio of marketable skills now. I afelt old at university but knew guys going back at 40 who also landed good programing jobs afterwards. Its never too late.
But none of thats is relevant. You probably arent wanting to code for a living. You just want to write some awesome mods for a game you play far more than I do!
You can learn on your own or at your own pace. The API for RW is a standard looking reference for any language. Silver already provided a link for the jdk8 api so thats a great starting point. Now try some basic applications. Designing a gui calculator will give you great exposure to using swing and how to manipulate buttons and how to group elements in a jpanel. This likely wont directly work with RW because the interface for gui in RW is not standard which is why we have an API for RW to follow. But learn the basics of java. Or do what Red suggested and wait for others to write mods for this game and peek at their code. I also find examples help a lot when I cant find a solution on my own. This is why websites like stack overflow is amazing but even there, everyone assumes you already understand the basics. please consider the public libraries if you are really on a budget.
Hi red,
I thought the animations supported now were limited to basic scale, rotate, and translate. The kind of animations shown by the bug eating plant would require support for bones and complex animations. I thought that wasnt supported yet. But I do admit I know nothing about bones.
Btw, I read the API again since the recent update and nothing is really standing out to me for getting the screen size. That seems important to know before you can set a gui elemet with its size and position specified. And is the position coordinate at top left or bottom right of the gui? This is not documented.
thank you for the flowers
rain collectors...i remember the pimps have a plan with the pipes - but for this the water needs a lot of rework - this game is still in alpha so we all must wait for so many great ideas like the power-system with generators real electric light with all the problems in a world of undead guys, bandids, traders and other people (if you play on a server)
Yes... the water need a LOT of work. Its about on par with Rising World water right now in terms of physics. Except the 7D2D water looks ugly as sin!
You don't have to be A+ certified to fix a computer. I was also shown how to fix computers but it was a long time before I became A+ certified. I was exposed to logic gates and procedural programming long before I ever went to college. I learned BASIC as a child because an uncle of mine gave me a Commodore 64 to play with. I spent days straight sometimes typing applications out of the Commodore magazine into the machine by entering hexidecimal code (there were no compilers for that system so it was either BASIC or machine language). But I had no idea why I was doing what I was doing. I heard about assembly language but didn't know what that meant when i was typing in those pages of code. I was basically regurgitating examples I read in the book and making minor tweaks along the way. That' doesn't help you to understand why something is written a certain way. Without truly understanding the fundamental principles then you'r just copy pasting examples together and you'll never understand why what you are doing is not working.
Hardware is physical and tangible and easier to understand... Especially nowadays PC computers are easy to work with internally if you are taught a few precautions and ground yourself properly. And every cable and card nowadays only fits one way. Its not like back in the 70s and 80s when ribbon cables didn't have notches on them!
Understanding how a computer works goes beyond learning how to service it. You can be taught how to service a machine and check for obvious trouble signs but to understand how even the hardware works means learning about logic gates and how they are assembled to design a CPU or RAM. Understanding how logic gates work and how the CPU (an electrical machine) is programmed is no different from learning a higher level programming language. It takes deeper understanding.
So if you want to learn then great! I encourage anyone to learn but please try to understand that programming is not a simple trade. It's a mind-set. Understanding why it does what it does is gradual as is with any learned skill. I and others here will be happy to help you out if you really want to learn but you have to be patient. The fact that you explode on the forums here because something didn't work or you didn't understand an example just shows us you don't have the discipline to learn. Nobody here should be expected to hold your hand either. That's what you pay educators lots of money at universities to do. Show me that patience and discipline and I'll help you as much as I can. The link you pasted for the Commodore is basic is an example of procedural code which is pretty easy to wrap your head around compared to oop. I use procedural code every day at work. The actual developers I support write in Java and procedural and oop are very different beasts. If you want to learn java then that is awesome! But you need a foundation otherwise your just copy/pasting examples. You need a solid understanding of the following concepts: objects, classes, abstracts, methods, class extending, method overriding, interfaces and instances.
who the heck has $80 for a book? not everyong is fortuanate enough to spend that kind of money on a book, sorry,
I learned how to do my job by someome showing me how to do it not by reading an $80 book
You can be "shown" how to do basic retail work. You aren't simply shown how to write object oriented programming. Without a foundation, it takes months to learn just the general concepts of computer programming. Object oriented is a beast of its own. You cant simply be shown how to write Java without any background. You need to spend lots of time study books and experimenting on your own, or pay the money for a teacher. Education is always an investment in your own future whether you pay lots of money for college or just learning to do something on your own. Time and effort pay off. I've never paid more than $50 for a tech book. I will tell you that the o'reilly books are excellent resources. I keep a few on my desk along with a pocket reference for regex. ebooks should also be available at a fraction of the cost.
Theres also public libraries. Every one I've been to had a pretty descent selection
What are you talking about? You are expressing difficulty making guis but the code you post prints text to a console or command prompt. Ofcourse it wont do anything useful for Rising World. BTW Red just updated the api library to expand on guis so maybe its worth looking into what changed. I just have been busy at work and haven't had much time to really dive into guis.
There are common java libraries for drawing gui elements (awt is older and swing was new and buggy when i started but likely more mature by now). I think primitive 3d objects are drawn under the javax library but its been a while.
To be perfectly frank it sounds like your diving into the deep end without testing out the shallow end first. What I mean is that Java is not something you simply watch a few videos on youtube and start pumping out complex mods that appeal to end users. If you don't have a solid understanding of java from studying books and/or taking college classes then you're not going to simply dive into writing anything useful. Not mean to be offensive here but you seem to be getting upset over not understanding the basics.
So if you are serious about learning, get some books. O'Reilly books are very popular in the IT world. Here's a link
Will this be implemented? What was explained to me is that it works by ensuring that any published mod a player subscribes to will be synched to the game folder. Any mod updates can be easily managed this way too.
to be new on something doesn't mean that you can't do anything,
there's plenty of recourse and materials out there to learn and there's always fun and good to learn new stuffPretty much! We have a head start right now to start developing so less time debugging once the API is activated. That way we get mods to production faster!
It’s a great big world,
With a great big swirl that you step inside to another world.
We’re talking Stargate,
It’s a crazy trip,
You can go quite far and you don’t need a car or even a ship.
There’s Colonel O’Neill and Carter and Daniel and Teal’c.
Look out for that G-g-g-goa’uld! -
Your english is fine. Atleast you have language skills in alpha! ;-p
I only speak one language and I feel like a dummy cause Red51 is German yet he speaks better English than me most of the time!!!The game is polishing up very nicely. I'm very impressed. The idea of electic systems sounds nice. I imagine in a real zombie apocalypse you'd want to establish a large wall around a town to keep the zombies out and set up farming and solar inside to be self sustaining.
rain collectors would be another thing I'd like to see in game.
Ok, I re-watched the plant video. For some reason I wasn't getting sound and I didn't watch the whole thing so I missed what happened in the end! O_o That would be something interesting to add to a mod if the author of the model would allow it. Given that grass is so tall in Rising World, i can see those being a danger. Just simply spawn them at random locations on the ground, and progam in a attack radius. Buffs and debuggs aren't really implemented much in the game yet except you can break bones if you fall too far. If we have access in the API to apply a screen filter then one could be blinded or poisoned by such a plant. I'm thinking of how in Ark Survival the dilophasaurus will spit at you, temporarily blinding you.
Is this possible Red? I know there's some gui element options now in the New API but I figured that was for making small additions to the UI. I'm thinking about a filter applied to the main viewing area (actual rendered 3d content, seperate from the UI).
Has anyone seen the new A15 preview video from Joel at The Fun Pimps? Looks like some really interesting changes are coming. I'm personally looking forward to the wooden arrow slots and the "Red Mesa" laboratory to explore
Not happy about landmines in the streets but I usually am careful when walking and hey... free mines without having to locate an army base
I don't know if you are referring to the camel objects or the treasury. I hope I don't have to limit myself to working with small blocks. I would prefer to use more traditional models with a UV-mapped texture.
Making the camel out of tiny blocks is just a good example of what people have been doing to work around the system until we can import actual mesh models. But yes, the new API will allow you to import an obj file and place it anywhere in the world. Since they can't be crafted, a programmer has to set up the mod to make the object placeable by a keyboard command or something similar.
I also want to say that the level of detail I'm seeing in that temple raiding at the end is exactly what I'm expecting dungeons to be like. I can't wait till they come and the API will support it. I imagine we can come up with our own dungeon rooms (with variations for jungles, deserts, forests, and both old ancient and modern)
So I can only bring in props / statues.. Ah well. It might still be fun to experiment with. The carmnivorous plant was camera-matched and composited over the video. Thank you for the kind words.
The API was just published last week and it still isn't implemented in game so this is still all very new. I'm sure more features will come to support more advanced models. We have new character models coming up to replace the old potato head version. ;-p I and others are hoping we will have the ability to attach custom body parts to whatever the new model is.
Regarding props and statues, we are in need of new statues. There's only one in game right now. Some new ones are planned but the dev team is small so only so much can be done at at time. With the API out atleast we can finally start adding better models. At present the more creative players of this game have to piece together complex objects using small blocks (for example, check out this video at 10 minutes even to see what I mean:
)BTW, welcome to forums. We have a great community here with lots of support and low drama. There will be plenty of kind words. We don't take kindly to toxicity around here