Posts by zfoxfire

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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    Hi Jon,

    Red did mention some other furnaces in the works. There would be a more primitive furnace as well as a small furnace. Id imagine those require less stone. My ideas are mainly to get from barehanded to around the point we currently start out where essentially we chop some trees down and make a workbench. So for the scope of my original post, metallurgy doesnt even come into play.

    Hi Miwware,
    For 1a my idea was only a suggestion for the technical issue of how to hide that transitional moment in game when objects in the field respawn or change. For example, if you stare at a tree in game for hours, at some point that tree has to be redrawn as it matures. There are only 2 or 3 states modeled for trees in Rising World. I dont know how this is currently addressed. Maybe the tree redraws the next time its in your visible range. I havent kept a game open 5 hours or so just to see how its handled.

    For 2a. I was referring to primitive tools made of stone, not the iron tools we currently start with. Red is already planning to drop the iron tools from inventory once primitve tools can be crafted. I am simply trying to figure out a good recipe system and other ideas to get us to a crafting table. Once we are able to craft a workbench then we can use the currently implemented approach to making an anvil and then making the components for iron tools.

    And in 2b, as I said, we will have primitive stone tools that we can use for mining more stone to make the furnace. The stone tools will surely have less effectiveness and durability as iron.

    With the last few updates being geared more towards survival (water, canteens, and fuel requirements) and with primitive tools just around the corner, I'm introducing a new suggestion list for primitive crafting. This is based mostly on my own thought but includes some other ideas I remember others suggested elsewhere. Some I'm repeating just incase Red didn't see or maybe to persuade him further to re-consider (seeing that the game development is partially community inspired).

    Naturally spawning objects

    • So if anyone is not aware, naturally occurring sticks and stones are already confirmed to be coming
    • natural sticks should spawn or re-spawn randomly on the ground in proximity of trees but only after sleeping -- similar to The Forest
    • natural stones same general behavior as above but probably spawn near cave entrances, inside caves, and near water bodies
    • A river rock variation of the above might be more suitable for crafting weapons
    • Animal bones (individual bones found scattered or salvaged of a carcass)

    Other crafting mechanic changes

    • add alternative ingredients for a crafting recipe (see primitive campfire section below for example)
    • Either barehanded or having a tool equipped (either the active hotbar slot or being barehanded if implemented) affects some recipes (like RUST)
    • Remove/Replace the "drop" command (key_Q) and change it to unequip (go barehanded).
    • Pulling grass is only done by hand so press Q or select a slot with no item (same behavior as ARK)
    • Pulling grass is useful for clearing very small patches of glass around stuff like furnaces when placed on grass since now possibly finding the side door is an issue in tall grass
    • Pulling grass by hand removes very very small about of grass (1/10th the area of a sickle swipe) . First pull makes the grass it half-height, second pull removed long grass, third pull turns the ground from grass to dirt (obviously this is going to be a very tedious process but useful for minor land changes and gathering plant fibers)

    Tool Stone

    • I'm bringing this up again even though I don't think Red51 is keen with the idea yet.
    • River rocks or possibly rocks found in caves can be crafted into a handheld "cutting tool"
    • Two rocks = 1 cutting tool
    • Cutting tools may also be occasionally found inside caves left over by past civilizations (pretty sure Red confirmed possibly finding old artifacts embedded in stone or in old clay jars (like Terraria?). some items scattered in caves might be good too)
    • A river rock + 1 cutting tool = 1 punch tool (cutting tool destroyed in the process)
    • Punch tool + natural stick + plant fibers = primitive axe
    • cutting tool + natural stick + plant fibers = primitive pickaxe

    Animal decomposition and salvaging

    • Animals that we don't "hide" after killing will decompose in a few different stages (each stage advances with the passing of each day)
    • 1st stage of decomposition spoils any meat left but can still salvage organs or hide for crafting recipes
    • 2nd stage of decomposition only bones are remained.
    • dead animals (not the ones we kill) will naturally respawn only after sleeping (because bear attacks happen in the wild)
    • Each passing day (regardless of our decision to sleep) will decompose a dead animal further. So eventually we will have only animal bones here and there to pick from
    • The tool we are holding (club, axe, pickaxe, or knife/shiv) determine what inventory shows in the carcass and its quality and quantity. So if you arent happy with the inventory (meat, bones, entrails, hide) close the animal's inventory window and hold a different weapon and open it again (since I doubt we will be harvesting by hacking the inamial since the inventory window is already established for animals)

    Primitive camp fire

    • Modify ingredient requirements and implement alternative crafting ingredients (useful for primitive crafting only)
    • One log can be substituted for several natural sticks
    • loose river rocks or cave rocks can substitute stone (currently mined)

    Primitive knife

    • a large animal bone can be collected off of dead animals at any stage of decomposition
    • crafting a camp fire and cooking pot is required (should be anyways for boiling water)
    • A bone with marrow is dropped into boiling water to remove marrow and become a hollow bone
    • If you happen to get a hollow bone from a carcass (possibly after further decomposition) then you can skip the cooking pot step
    • bone is crafted into a shiv assuming you have a cutting tool

    Starting out

    • When we start out bare handed, the only craftable items should be a primitive pickaxe and axe (or the cutting tool if Red51 gets onboard)
    • Same rule above applies with making sticks
    • An axe or pickaxe or cutting tool must be equipped in order to craft a torch holder
    • An axe must be held in order to craft lumber
    • A torch can still be crafted from a natural stick (perhaps a new model could be added. The natural stick torch can fit in any torch holder)
    • Holding an axe or other tool is required for crafting new items on the workbench
    • As an alternative to the last thought, equip a workbench with tool slots. That way, tools can be stored on the workbench so you don't have to be dependant on the tool you are currently holding.
    • Any crafting causes a tool to wear (either the one held or the ones stored on the workbench)

    Usually it's zfoxfire that gets Red to squeal but I was honored to today lol. He has a list on his main website, but other stuff is a maybe..
    you can follow Red51 that's the best way. Also sometimes he reveals that on steam community.

    Yeah yeah yeah.. I'm gaining a reputation for being an insider. So be it. I found Red51 to be really approachable. Just realize that if he doesnt respond to you immediately then he might be busy. My primary motivation was to help with reducing some of the communication burden he has (something that's really helped this game stand out from a community perspective). If Red doesnt have to repeat himself then he can spend more time focusing on the development. Being approachable as he is can also backfire when he needs to get work done. So I feel bad sometimes about chatting with him as often as I do.

    Before the game hit Steam, when the game was called Concept, there was a bugtracking tool on the old website. I really wish we had something like that again that was community managed to help with tracking suggestions, approved suggestions, rejected suggestions, reported bugs, fixed bugs, changes in progress, implemented features. Kind of like a SCRUM board for those with any project management experience.

    @joni909 Looks great, now let's all delete our Facebook accounts :)

    I'm fine with that. I seem to have better interactions with people on this forum than anyone on Facebook.

    BTW, there's a newer version of Burning Board software that Red mentioned he would update eventually. The new update is supposed to let us save drafts. I wonder if there's an upvote/downvote plugin available? Personally the emoticon response feature of Facebook is about the most useful update they're done in years! IMHO.

    Here you go bud: Rising World - An Earth 2 LP

    It really does look like a pizza oven now that you mention it.

    I had an idea back in January about modifying the furnace to be modular and adding a variety of removable trays which would allow you to do other tasks such as smelting sand into glass panes. A flat metal tray would be awesome so you could use for various cooking needs. I would not recommend cooking pizza and smelting ores at the same time, maybe when we get a food poisoning debuff then that would be a possibility (a consequence for stupid behavior ;-p ).

    Perhaps bellows and other things to regulate temperature could help smelt ore faster (and burn fuel faster), and cook food (or burn it). Also, at some point the ores have to be programmed with different melting points. This way, raising the temperature would be a requirement for smelting harder ores.

    The relevant thread: New crafting stations and other ideas

    Thanks Red, You're usually 10 steps ahead of us in plans :)

    Could we possibly also get type of furnace made of sandstone? Maybe a clay furnace too?
    Also, The wood requirement is a good touch. Maybe in the future if we have wear and tear to consider, those wood beams holding the trays up will have to be replaced periodically, same with any tool

    So, I'm all for realism but in this case I'd like to request that adding fuel be added as a right-click option. Many of us have our furnaces built into walls for the sleek look but it sounds we wont be able to load fuel. Unless we can interact with that part of the furnace through the wall.