Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Hmmm... Not sure it worked. I can't see a thing you wrote nor am I aware that you even attempted it.

    So forgive my ignorance but Open GL is an API that interacts with your GPU. Unless Apple is going to do something sneaky to prevent people from installing Nvidia or Radeon cards, I don't see what the big deal is. Apple can push all they want for their proprietary standard but it seems like if anything is going to eventually replace OpenGL it's going to be Vulkan. Apple seems to be quite good at being that pest to keep pushing an industry standard because they didn't get to it first. Yet people continue to buy Apple products. :\

    The horse will turn to follow the mouse pointer. If guess if the mouse is not perfectly centered then the horse will slowly turn over time. At present it seems that the mouse lets you take a look around while the A and D have the most directional infulence (e.g. making sharp turns). Perhaps the game should eventually move the mouse pointer to align with the direction of travel if the mouse pointer is greater than 5 degrees off from the direction of travel. That way you can still take a peek left or right or behind without it affecting long-term steer

    problem is they can change names now so an added name would be useless if they decide to change there names.

    It's a good reference to have, especially when server admins share ban lists with each other. We don't care what the troll calls himself, we just want to conveniently look up the uuid in our blacklists, share it, and move on in life. :)

    The next hotfix (guess it'll be available in 1-2 days) will accept name:uuid for the whitelist/blacklist (of course the old uuid format is still supported) ;)

    Thankyou for listening to the community. :)

    This kinda ties into a larger set of request of being able to place non-objects in the world as if they were objects (e.g. placing a pickaxe in the corner of a room or an apple on a countertop). I like the idea of placing saddle bags for as much reason as i like the idea of being able to move a full chest around on the floor slightly. Its a finer detail that would be awesome but probably wont see such fine tuning until after the game is out of alpha.

    Also I want to say that whoever did the design and rigging and animation of these new horses did an outstanding job! There's so many little details such as the head movements and ear twitching that makes them life like. I hope some improvements can be done to the older NPC animals at some point.

    @red51 While you're checking door hitboxes, could you check bear hitboxes too? Maybe its a range issue (I used to be able to hit and walk back after stunning it) but I had trouble killing a brown bear from several angles. black bear behaved normally however. I also noticed similar issue while chasing a cow. I felt I got several direct hits which did not register. I'll try to stage some experiments to give you better feedback than this. One thing I haven't considered is that I'm still using tools as weapons. is there an accuracy rating of tools and weapons that I'm not aware of?

    So one of my pet peeves about whitelists/blacklists on other game servers is their inability to include both an id and a user-friendly name (or comments) so I have to maintain a seperate list of all my friends and their steam ids.

    I could have sworn I read somewhere on here that the new format for the whitelist/blacklist was something like as follows:


    I tried that initially on my server but it didn't work so I just went with this:


    I was wondering, @red51 if it wouldn't be so much trouble, if we could change the format to make an optional user friendly name.


    The parser can look for any entry matching something like ([0-9]*)$ which would maintain backwards compatibility with the current format

    just a thought. :)

    Great to have you back! We still need an Area Protection plugin. I can provide a temporary server (and surely scrounge up some testers) to test on if needed.

    We really missed you! Hope you are feeling better now.

    I can hardly wait to hang somebody for Horse theivery. :evil: or at least make them locked up in an area that looks like a jail :thumbup:

    It would be cool to craft a gallow object, or perhaps to find one in an abandoned town desert town.

    I'm trying to get Foxbox back up and be a part of the Rising World community again that I love so much.... This is my first time trying to start up since the hive update ( I know I'm behind).. I installed the server anonymously via steamcmd, temporarily disabled my firewall as well but still cant get a startup. Any ideas? Do i have to authenticate my server via Steam somehow?

    2018/05/10 01:17 PM JIW-Network
    INFO: [NetworkServer] Add channel Port:4,253 Type:TCP Index:0
    RCON Server bind to IP: x.x.x.x:4253
    Steam - Load native library: Filesize: 370330 bytes
    Steam - Load native library: Filesize: 256928 bytes
    Steam - Load native library: Filesize: 76320 bytes
    STEAM BIND TO 757163153 (, PORT 4255, 4259 Authentication
    2018/05/10 01:17 PM server.Main
    SEVERE: Rising World - - Dedicated Server
    Linux name Java 1.8.0_144 (amd64) Memory: 1908 MB
    2018/05/10 01:17 PM
    RW SERVER: Fatal error occurred!
    com.codedisaster.steamworks.SteamException: [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed
    at server.i.a(SourceFile:75)
    at server.Main.h(SourceFile:559)
    at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:269)
    at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:236)
    at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(

    who said riding mowers? there is the old push type that is not even gasoline orerated :) Boy you youngsters are spoiled with these modern day convieniances :P these were the next step up from the sythe.

    I recently bought a house and now own a mower and 4stroke weed wacker that both have automatic chokes. I'm so stoked! The lawn mower doesn't even have to be primed. I feel so lazy now.

    At present, the RW server is a bit rough to configure and manage backups are a must! Write scripts to help automate things. Intimate knowledge of what you are providing and backups are the key to running a server. Ofcourse, active admins and community lure players and keep them coming back. I haven't used Nitrado long enough to know to experience disaster recovery with them. I doubt they know the game well enough to have a suitable recovery strategy. I learn how the server works and make my own documentation and strategy.

    I understand the frustration. My server has been dead for a while and I lost interest in maintaining it. I admire you for having tried to run what I considered a popular and successful server in the past. And if you made a mistake, learn and move on. I know this is easier said than done. I work in IT and I am constantly belittling myself for my mistakes and slow pace. But I've been here six years and managed not to get fired yet, only promoted.

    I'd love to revitalize my own box but would need to get a team together. I have none. There are a few good servers that are probably always looking for extra admins. Perhaps offer your services to another server owner.

    This has been suggested several times for gems, diamonds, various rocks an minerals such as limestone and marble and granite. I want to say that Red has approved this but its probably not high on the priority right now.

    I'm not aware of any official location that upcoming changes are posted but normally I just follow the activity of @red51 on the forum here and on Steam. Recently he mentioned that there would be one more regular update before we get mounts (horses and saddles). So that's something to look forward to. There are other things planned to be implemented such as trains/minecarts, electiricy, and dungeon monsters and human NPCs (traders and merchants and raiders), and more a more survival feel (tools that break and working armor and susceptibility to weather extremes). So the mounts seem to be the next major thing. not sure when the rest will be. There was a big delay recently on updates as we were waiting on the player models. Once those came back in December, that set the groundwork for lots of other stuff (e.g. NPC players and "monsters" are based on the character models) so I am looking forward to see what the future holds.

    Relevant post regarding the next few updates:…270/#c1697167355225401701

    A list of overall features planned. Not a real roadmap however but it gives a good idea of what the game should eventually become.