Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-20)

    A minor hotfix was just released which fixes the blueprint and poster issues. There is no need to update servers. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Hmm... unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this issue 8| Where does the "stone breaking sound" come from exactly? From the dead body? Did it happen in singleplayer or multiplayer?

    I mis-reported it. It's not sound specific. When clicking "hide the body" the LMB actions whatever item is active in the hotbar. My crossbow was active so it fired. Its still something that should eventually be fixed

    The bad part about this is now Red51 can't fix the bugs the players themselves found to make it more polished for both Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Release: Tuesday or Wednesday
    Bugfix Party: Wednesday and Thursday

    I'm sure Red51 gets himself well rested the night before and has plenty of ground coffee stocked in the pantry for such an occasion. :-D

    Wow! This really makes me wish there was a boat as a buildable platform, like in ARK. Yes we could probably go overboard by building skyscrapers on one but still, for those of us who prefer practical and realistic structures, this would be neat to have our own house boat.

    Oh... you want to loot our treasure? Hmmm... Let me think about that.. How about no!

    Ofcourse the funny part is we can start doing minecraft tricks like dig around the dungeon to the chest room ;-p
    maybe the skeletons can use a pickaxe too and destroy stone too. =O

    I already support a few others on Patreon. I think it's a great idea. I follow a few people on youtube and support them via Patreon. When I consider how much entertainment and valuable information I get from them, it's more valuable to me than cable TV and my small contribution along with others adds up and helps the content provider. I'd kick back $5 or so a month to JIW Games if it would help. If not for extra development help, to help support the company while Steam is screwing over Indie developers on revenue.

    Oh dang! I forgot about that one. one has already been modeled for the game but it's missing from any of the last few updates. I assumed it would have been in one of them. Maybe red can respond to this one.

    Yeah, I saw the video too and I have the same problem... Ofcourse if you're rowing your boat you wont be able to see where you go... unless you can row backwards O_o

    For gaming purposes, it wouldn't hurt to have some kind of indicator to show where the bow is. I notice when I look around I can't see the bow at all. Maybe this is something that would better be solved when 3rd person perspective is added. Then the camera should face forward while rowing. Really tho I don't see this as a big deal however. I can figure out my direction by making small course corrections and monitoring the direction the shoreline shifts as I move forwards

    Rowing begins at 14:50

    There's a plan to add animal domestication in the game. While I like the idea of a whistle to lure a horse, it may not be best to implement such a feature now until the foundation work for animal domestication is added. I do like the idea tho. Currently, plopping a saddle on a horse is a good enough solution to keep the horse from wandering. Maybe in the future we can whistle horses, or lasso a cow, and pick up chickens and toss them into a coop.

    This is a really awesome update. Except the worms. i hate worms. Ugh!!! Ugly, slimy, gross little things so essential to our ecosystem yet gross to look at! I guess I wont be fishing anytime soon.

    Anyways, looking back, the last year has been pretty awesome in terms of progress. I realize there have been fewer updates but they were big: player models, new tool models, dummy npcs, mounts, boats, fishing, and survival aspects. This is very very cool! I actually found myself scrambling to pickaxe a hole in the side of a mountain to get shelter because i was soaked and freezing to death. Anytime i say to myself, "Wow! I might actually die in Rising World." then I know the game is going somewhere I noticed when I got inside, i eventually began to dry off. I kept F3 up to monitor my change in stats. Now that all the basics are in place, there really needs to be number indicators on our player on the inventory screen to see how different articles of clothing affect insulation. My favorite red flannel shirt and jeans certainly insulate better than the starting rags but some numbers would be helpful. Another suggestion would be that when the temperature warning icon shows up, have little + and - numbers float up from it to indicate a change is taking place. That way you know that whatever you are doing is having a positive effect. Love the numbers on the food and thirst icons. This should help out some of our colorblind players. I guess some additional status icons down there might be coming soon.

    I've only explored a small fraction of what's in this update. Really impressed so far.

    A minor bug I came across is that when placing the boat in the water, the message on the status bar shows the last action i did. In this case, it read "you ate a slice of pumpkin" which I imagine didn't taste very good in real life. Seriously, you gotta be desperate to eat raw pumpkin but I'm glad it has more use now than simply a jack-o-lantern.…iledetails/?id=1523786657