regarding to the donation/patron-idea. I have an idea for the patron-option: Maybe patrons get the possibility to vote, what will be implement in one of next updates. So you can give the some different options (e.g.: a)clothes for players, b) more enemys, c)crope and windmill) and the patrons can vote for it.
This is basically a good idea! However, sometimes it's quite tricky to implement votes, since we're sometimes stuck at working on a certain feature. Nevertheless, I guess we will get a clearer overall picture of the situation in a few weeks
Alright, so you said player inventory. If I want to dedicate a storage container to contain these modded items I do hope I'm able to do that as well
Yes, adding custom containers (e.g. something like backpacks) will be possible Although it requires some additional coding. I can give more information about that once the update goes live
I at the very least hope for multiplayer side that it all syncs with players joining so there's no client miss-matching, and such.
Oh, there is no need to worry about that Since plugins are always running on the server, the client does not have to install anything on his end. All required files (models, textures etc) will be downloaded automatically when the client joins the server