Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    It's basically a bug in the dungeon generation. They're supposed to be all underground with only entrances at ends of some caves. However sometimes these stick out of the ground a little. Personally I think it looks cool. I hope we do get a proper surface entrance someday.

    at 6:22 it looks like there is red in the distance when looking up a shaft
    at 14:30 the glass casing of the new penlight is offset
    at 16:54, it looks like the new terrain placement tool doesnt show hellstone

    This is just a peeve of mine but some programs ask you for confirmation to delete something without saying what it is. So if you clicked on the wrong thing you won't know till it's too late. I feel that the delete text should be "Do you really want to delete the world, ${WORLD_NAME}?"

    This doesn't seem to work right?
    I've done setclothing rags_shirt but players are not spawning with the rags_shirt?

    if it works anything like the setinventory command, then you have to first put the clothing you want on, then type the command, "setclothing" with no extra parameters. this will set whatever you are currently wearing as the default. setinventory works the sameby setting whatever is in your inventory as default.

    Just checked mine. They show up under the personal crafting and the workbench

    I think the wood torch mount is a bit odd. 4 sticks to craft 4 (minimum of 4). while 1 stick crafts 2 torches. I kinda liked the old recipes where the number crafted was the same for torches and torch mounts. It made it easy to craft the same amount of each on the fly.

    BTW, I like the updated furnace recipes.

    Another little nuiance that Radioman03 found...

    On the workbench:
    clock description is "Useful for Navigation"
    compass description is "NA"

    He also had a good idea about adding the keybinding to the mouseover description in the inventory, e.g. "Clock (O Key)"

    AFAIK the exe only calls java and passes in some variables for memory allocation. The way JRE manages memory is still a bit of a mystery to me. I'm not sure if its heap or stack memory you want to set an upper limit to but the flags -Xms and -Xmx set min and max heap size where -Xss defines stack memory size.

    So to start the game with a 2GB max heap size, go to the game folder in a command promt and try "java -jar -Xmx2G risingworld.jar"

    Also, keep in mind the game comes with a copy of the JRE already. you can try running with that or the JRE/JDK you may have installed on your own. Keep in mind the JRE that comes with Rising World is affected by any java environmental variables you may have set already.

    I crafted a Ushanka and put it on. My moustache disappeared. Also, I can't seem to take it off now. In general I've had a bit of trouble with the drag boxes for the head and feet of the character window.

    Good call @red51
    Yes, it could be bad to switch stack sizes on the fly. Giving us a way to override values in api or maybe a config file would be helpful. Are stack sizes pretty uniform across all categories of items? (fruits, saplings, wood logs, construction items)? Controlling the size of each category would be easier than controlling individual items. That would be a very long config file! o_0

    Eventually I want to try and start a more hardcore survival server and would want to set stack size to 1 ^^

    So I remember last Christmas we got a surprise of weather (including snow). That was awesome! What I'd love to see is the xmashat getting fixed. it's buggy at the moment. I'd also love to see a version of the Christmas tree light up and middle-click on it to get the menu (like when you open animal inventories) and get an option to switch between multi-color or white, and solid or flashing. :)

    If its feasible to modify the tree on such short notice. this would be really cool

    I haven't been able to get past -98 depth in the game yet. My mines become death traps the deeper I go.

    What I do is dig down at around a 45 degree angle and bring a sledge hammer with me. If I make the tunnel 2 or 3 blocks wide instead of one then it becomes much easier to smoothen out the tunnel with the sledgehammer. You can also use stone to fill pit holes that you get sometimes when you pick into the ground. Just keep plenty of torches on you and don't let it get too dark otherwise you risk picking into a cave and falling down. It also doesnt hurt to create rest stops every 100 blocks and make a chest and a shelter. You can probably make it to hell in a few hours. But you definately need to get down to -300 or more before you'll find mithril.