Posts by Meltron

    Es wird aber auch bessere Performance bieten, im Multiplayer sowie besonders im Singleplayer.

    Zusätzlich werden neue Blockformen eingeführt, unter anderem halbe Blöcke, eine neue Treppe, verschiedene Eckelemente für Treppen und Rampen und mehr.

    Übrigens haben wir auch Vorkehrungen für die ersten feindlichen Tiere getroffen, welche mit dem übernächsten Update ins Spiel gebracht werden


    Wird es dann auch immer Update - logs auf Deutsch geben oder bin ich noch nicht arbeitslos? :P

    People should praise Red & his two buddies more for the amount of patience and crap they have to go through.

    Patience is only a matter of training Buddha/lord-buddha-58a.jpg lel

    From that link:


    No. there is no problem with my computer, its obvious that the java you use is too powerful for my laptop, hopefully this will be fixed for other peoples computers in the future also

    How can Java be too powerful for his computer? :P Guess he means that it requires too much power from the laptop, but there he already mentioned himself, that his computer must be the problem. I can understand him, though, since Java actually needs more power, compared to other environment, I think.
    However, since e.g. Minecraft has the same problem, red can not be blamed for this, maybe he could use a different engine, as I asked before, but I guess that would need too much effort.

    hello, sorry to bother more'm very anxious to know when the next update that will introduce agriculture. What else will add to the game?

    Not even 2 weeks passed since last update. To me, farming would be enough :P
    Or do you just mean what generally will be added in the future? Here is a list from red: You can also search the forum for suggestions/ bug reports and look for red's responds to see what will be added soon.

    ozzyjimbob: Guess you should not play Stranded Deep then :P Sometimes the moon shines almost as bright as the sung ^^ But I like that, it is realsitic, the night looks still dark and I actually find it a nice feature to still be able to see in the night, since you can not hold a torch when building etc.
    Maybe such a bright moon would be nice for Rising World, too. Optimally, the moon will later have different sizes and clouds/ rain/ snow will make it less visible and let the world appear darker.

    And what is when a other player have the same name?
    Have he admin status too?

    I don't think that this could be possible, since you have to use the name ingame which you used to login as well. And the login system should not allow a name to appear twice

    I think I"ll pull a "Geneon" and say nope. Not necessary right now because we have to see what hostile mobs this game plans to add. I want to see Red's intended mobs added before pushing for "Mind scares".

    I can see what you did there :P Guess my own "low priority" kinda just means "When red runs out of things to implement" lel.

    Actually seems like you have perfect plan @red51 :D But I don't think that makeing the world unlimited would be wasted time, if you implement something like a planet, because there will always be some people who enough this or another mode. I guess haveing a real planet ingame would be an idea for a very late point in the development, for now everything you do currently seems perfectly fine to me

    Well a possibly endless (or close to it) world is coming. So question is, should there be other options?

    Would be quiet intersting, if there could be some kind of planet simulation, so like the actual earth maybe.
    Should be low priority, though imo, since that would surely take a lot of time and I don't think that many people want this.
    Maybe there could be an editor for creating worlds. Would be good for building, too, but I am more seeing an oportunity in this to let the community create a recognizable map. Because when you have a world that ends (oceans at the ends, an actualy planet or a 'fake' planet, where you just get teleported when you go to the ends), I guess you will have the problem, that it may be more realistic, but you don't have so many possibilities and everything still kinda looks the same (for me this is a bit a problem in Stranded Deep still). But with a world editor, someone creative could do a very varied map with noticeable places. And I don't mean building, just (or mostly) landscape). And a powerful editor could help in creating such a map that is still very big enough to have the 'sandbox feeling'. I think this would be a great idea, since the worlds are now very big and you can do a lot in it, but I kinda miss it sometimes and would surely love to have some epic landscape and maybe towns like in Skyrim already when you load the map. Minecraft has a good world generator now, I guess, but I still miss variety in the pics I saw.
    However, maybe I am wrong and just more variety in textures and generally more items/ plants/ mountain styles will satisfy me. And that will surely come.

    The idea with the height sounds pretty good to me, but I agree that the world should be endless, so the width and the length should not be limited. Otherwise the world could be too small for some players or servers.