I think this will come in the future
Posts by Meltron
+1 need
ZaCormyr: Sir, there are burgers in your post
Crazy projects to take on for sure! Would be nice to have just one stone block which could be resized eh.
For the whole pyramid???
You know you can build an axe and chop palm trees down right? But then you lose your coconut production hehe
Yeah i was doing this, did not even know that they regrow as well, I always chopped down the palms, because first time I climbed them up, I fell down because it is wierd how you have to go downYes, go try to find a sunken ship to explore.
Will do, thanks -
Ok I played 2 hours, was prety good, but it got boring fastly But I was not in the water, yet.
It takes so long to build stuff and the other islands are so far away. Also, there is so little wood to build with.
Next I am gonna try to use the raft to bring more logs to my "main" island. Hopefully they stay on itAnother thing that is quiet bad is that you need so much ressources for some things and that it is hard to figure out crafting recipes without looking at a guide.
But what I really like, is that it does not seem like you have to hunt for food and stuff so much, since there are many coconuts, and fish and water (rain) seem to be there nearly unlimited. Also it is good that those palnts which give you ropes regrow and that very fastly.
Actually this game would need some bigger island far away that you had to reach or something -
Ja, bei manchen Lets - Player "Stars" hab ich als das gefühlt die verstellen sich jetzt total, weil sie meinen, dass sie so noch besser sind. Und manche großen Lets Player sind echt nervig
Lel, hab gar nicht geguckt wann du das geschrieben hast. War vor allem ein lazy quote (aka Quoteception )
Ja kenn ich nächste Minute nach Kommentar erst mal alle Fehler beseitigen! -
Hatte ich ja auch schonmal die Idee wie bei Space Engineers, Community bauen lassen. Man macht eine Zielvorgabe "20 dörfliche Häuser im Stil von...". Dann könnte man die 20 Häuser variieren immer und so viele unterschiedliche Dörfer aus 8-14 Häusern bauen. Als Beispiel nur hehe. Kostet zumidnest keine Zeit und Arbeit, dann brauch man nur noch ein bissl Pathfinding bei NPC's und fertig ist der Content ;).
Genau, red kann ja dann die besten aussuchen und das Ganze bisschen randomizen
Apparently you can cut coconuts with palm leaves ...
Check photos on google maps of playa del carmen. super clear water. by the way, a bull shark can get you in like a meter of water.
In the game, I would prefer less but more powerful sharks. Then lots of wimpy sharks.
They just released an update with some whales!
The water is not clear everywhere
Yes, very good idea, guess time to enter the next forum^^
Nice, I just started the game for the first time -
Please don't worry about people claiming greed.
I think that it is easy to just ignore those people, but they might influence the sale rate.
But yeah, I am just advert on everything I said before -
Noice, sieht nach nem schicken Hauptquartier von ner größenwahnisnnigen Sekte aus
i don't really know, it does not work (could not be initialized)
I tried to swim in the ocean while I was in Mexico (playa del carmen) where there were for sure bull sharks around, and couldn't really do it haha
Lel, I was there, too and my problem was that the water was so dirty and I was sometimes afraid that there could be some animal under me. Also the ground was so low that I could walk to the end of the allowed swimming zone without sinking^^
I think it is quite good, if the sharks are not that dangerous, because I was afraid that I when I would go into the water I would die every 5 mins or so, but it they are actually too weak it is not good, too, ofc
Hühner - Modelle hab ich zumindest schon gesehen (sind aber noch nicht im Spiel)
It is nerve-wracking! I don't scare easy but that game puts me on edge at times haha
Haha, yeah it is always the tension when nothing happens but you think that something might happen in the next moment. At least more than OMG there are zombies (unless they jumpscream in your face and then also just for a sec)
Thanks for recomming the game, I am gonna buy it today.
Good to know - means there is still hope when i get what Punkbuster wants from me