I should dig up some of my old screens from those days haha (again on my old comp..)
Yeah, dig it all up, I want to see all the maps and stuff you have there
I only played cod4 singelplayer when I was ill and it was ... aweful.
I should dig up some of my old screens from those days haha (again on my old comp..)
Yeah, dig it all up, I want to see all the maps and stuff you have there
I only played cod4 singelplayer when I was ill and it was ... aweful.
I think it only works from above
Let me guess:
Sorry, but it is COD and Activion, I always expect the worst from them.^^
Keine Ahnung ob ihr das Kennt, aber in der Softwareentwicklung gibts oftmals soetwas wie einen Bugtracker. Da könnter unser Communitymanager theoretisch die sinnvollen Dinge einstellen und die Entwickler entscheiden, ob und wie es implementiert wird.
Ja aber meiner wird ja 2000 Meter hoch - irgendwann (= niedann)
I just noticed, that when you set the view to lowest, planks disappear, even when you stand right in front of them, they are still there though, you just can not see them.
hör auf dann wirste ja nie fertig damit X) haha
Das ist doch Sinn des Ganzen. Ich baue irgendwann auch mal den größten Wolkenkratzer der Welt - er wird halt nie fertig :PP
The GTX is definitely used (I checked with that command).
I set everything to max., loaded a complete new map and recorded it right after it was loaded. The snail internet I have atm is too slow to upload this 10 sec or so , so I am gonna upload it later if needed
But yeah, I had 10 frames (checked with ingame tool) and even under right from the beginning.
However, I guess fraps slowed it down a little bit, but not too much actually, since it is the same on my normal map without fraps recording.
I have 90 - 200 frames on "ultra low" (It looks very nice, though not sure if because it does not lagg )
Das Schmidshaus hat nette Details und die Festung hat das Potential, absolut episch zu werden!
Fertigstellung Oktober 2027.
Realistisches Datum für alle meine kleinen Häuslein
Der Flughafen wurde schließlich auch nicht in einem Jahr gebaut.
Als ob er fertig wäre Rom wurde schneller erbaut muhaha
But nice fortress so far
Für was?
Das dachte ich mir
There is no dirrence if I play in winow mode or on a complete empty map.
Or other question: is it normal, that I only get 10 frames most of the time on 1920X1080 and Highest settings with this system?
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M (Driver is up to date)
Intel Core i7
8 Gb ram
Windows 8.1
OpenGL-Version: 4.5
Thanks in advance.