I think it would add something though to know the real world measurements. User preferences/settings could specify imperial or metric preference.
I think it would add something though to know the real world measurements. User preferences/settings could specify imperial or metric preference.
was ich zwecks Poster besser finden würde , wäre wenn sich die Poster wie Tapeten an Gegenstände festbinden , zb wenn man ein Poster an der Tür hängt das die Tür gesamt mit dem Poster auf geht und nicht das die Türen aufgehen und das Poster bleibt dort . Hoffe ihr versteht was ich meine
+ 1
Aber ich als Perfektionist will natürlich trotzdem alles erdenkliche als 3d - Objekt :PPP
lenko: Ja, das mein ich auch, zuerst genügen mal die "Basics".
Ich stimme zwar auch zu, dass man nicht so viel erwarten sollte im Moment, allerdings sollten als nächstes vollgende Dinge unbedingt verändert werden:
Das hier ist alles Meckern auf höchstem Niveau und es gibt ja Cheats. Außerdem kann man auch so damit leben
Aber nach meiner persönlichen Meinung ist das alles das, was als nächstes passieren muss.
Maybe this and there could be perks like I suggested so that people wonder how to get those and then donate. But would need bank acc or the abillity to give a paysafe card code, otherwise I could not donate^^
Yep and let youtubers be the marketing tool is fine, but i want to mentioned that the game is in a very early stage. So viewers could missunderstand the direction the game evolves. Maybe bigger youtubers should be involved when the game has reached a certain stage.
Yep. To be honest, I think PewDiePie for example would just think that this game is just a rip off of Minecraft (because he played tons of bad copies).
Devs will do the donation thing if they want. Can't force them haha
But, I won't be sending money to a community member. I don't have much and just won't risk it. Sorry.
Yep, but maybe red could just tell us his paypal or bank account (or the one of JIW)
Maybe some of us community members could get together and make a "fund" for "community things" like some community events etc.
Btw, we = people who derb around here in the forums, could actually do a community play or something some day
Maybe, this fund could be used to run a community server, have special events etc. and maybe even trying to pay someone to implement things into the game that everyone wants. And ofc we could donate some money from this fund to JIW
Lol, King of the crabs that actually would be awesome xD
I don't want to rule anyone, I just want my own little island where I can build everything I want, bit of survival aspect is fine though, but I don't want to be afraid of dying every 10 minutes or having to search for food all the time.
Well, guess I try it and if it is too much survival for me, lel, I'm gonna use some cheats or Cheat Engine
Edit: umm Gabe?
What's with him?
if you wonder who he is, though; he is the CEO or boss of Valve, Gabe Newell. I guess he got incredible famous just by saying that his name is GABEN@valvesoftware.com in the Tf2 dev tour thing
Thanks. Guess i will try it anyway, since I like the graphics
I kinda want to live like a tribal king on my own little island So yeah would be nice to plant some coconut palms etc. to make things a bit easier
This claims the world is already like that, infinite and completely procedural. So if we're just getting the same island over and over, isn't that bordering on a scam?
Maybe that is just not implemented, yet.
I find the food system off... there is no way I should have to drink and eat like 5-6 coconuts a day in order to survive, plus a few small fish or crab. Maybe 2 coconuts and a fish or crab.
Hated that in The Long Dark, too.
Would you still recommend this game, if I am not much into finding food etc. all the time, but still would enjoy some islands and build little, realistic buildings?
Freut uns, wenn Du Spaß beim Zuschauen hast.
Btw. die Leute wissen noch viel zu wenig über Rising World. Mit Daumen nach oben, egal bei welchem Let's Player helft ihr automatisch das der Let's PLayer bekannt wird und das Spiel. Also immer schön Daumen nach oben
Oder einfach PewDiePie zuspammen bis er s spielt
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I'm curious what you guys think about having to lay items on the ground near each other in order to craft?
I think that would work for bigger (and more "powerful") items like a car or as Killem said a raft. But please not for every item and not too complex things.
Also, a "recipe" like in Prison Architect would be useful: There, you have a plan about how to build something. And when you done that you can tell the game that it is e.g. a specific cell room. So, if we e.g. lay some logs next to each other, maybe we would have to craft some ropes and then mark the logs and tell the game that those logs are supposed to be a raft. The game would confirm that it was built correctly and then lets you craft the raft with the rope.
This way, you could make different sized cars etc.
Such a system would be useful though. But it should not be promoted anywhere but the forums I guess. Because otherwise people would think that the game is not worth buying it when the dev asks for donations or that they are greedy. But here it would be nice, could lure people with some special perks like "Donator", "Level 2 etc. Donator", "Generous Donator", "Insanely generous Donator" or "Top Donator!" with special colored names and icons etc.
Check http://bazaar.tf/ for how to make this right xD
I think it is a known bug which the devs are aware of. Guess not much you can do atm
If you don't want to donate a specific amount, you could just buy the game on steam again. It can be gifted to anyone of your friends. Or you just buy it to give them more money. Gabe would profit from that as well :PP
I also got Stranded Deep yesterday. Great game so far, although I haven't yet managed to survive past the second day.
lel. Sounds like me playing The Long Dark. Do you think you can manage to survive, if you know how everything works? Because I would rather like to build like in The Forest than just searchikkng for items all the time