Posts by Meltron

    Was für ein Antivirenprogramm hast du denn? In der Vergangenheit hatten besonders Kaspersky, Avast, McAfee und Norton für Probleme gesorgt, als Bedrohung wurde das Spiel aber bislang nur von Norton eingestuft (aber auch dieser Fehlalarm sollte seit der neuesten Virendefinition nicht mehr auftreten).

    Ja, dann kann man AVG Internet Security 2015 wohl auch in diese Tonne treten.

    Hab schon alles gesichert, ich versuche mal einen Neustart, hab das bisher nicht gemacht, weil mich ausgerechnet der Antivir dazu gedrängt hat :P

    I suppose a player could decide to prepare the ground (not sure how farming will work..) and plant berries out in the wild and create an abundance of them in a certain area, more deer might go there because of that, but that should also attract more predators. Or the player could build fence around the berry bush haha...

    Good idea

    So predictable in some way yes, but is that information all that useful? You would still need to hunt instead of just camp there.

    Yeah, I didn't mean some free kills like that :D

    Mein dummes "Antivirus" - Programm hat heute komischerweise RW als Bedrohung erkannt. Da das nervige Fenster alles zum Stillstand gebracht hat, habe ich es halt die "Bedrohung" entfernen lassen. Ich habe RW dann einfach neu installiert, aber jetzt bringt Steam immer diese Fehlermeldung: Ich habe die Spiele - Daten mit Steam auf Fehler überprüfen lassen, und auch alles löschen und nochmal neu herunterladen lassen. Der Fehler bleibt aber.
    Ich glaube, Lucien hat hier schon irgendwo geschrieben, wie man das löst, aber ich konnte es nicht mehr finden.

    Gruß, Meltron

    You are saying that the player should be in competition with animals. I just want to state that this should be a very easy competition. Because in reality, there is also not such a great hunt for raspberries etc. ^^ I heard that witout humans, nature would be pretty balanced. Not that you said to cause a big competition between the players and bots, just wanted to point that out.
    I really like the idea, that animals would appear where there is food to catch, this way they would be predictable, but not in an unrealistic, random way. Thus we would also be able to guess where dangerous animals could be, because ofc they would need to find those prey animals.
    However, I wouldn't say that it should take hours for us to find plants etc., only if there are already a lot of bioms and plants to find.
    The idea of having animals reacting according to their hunger etc. sounds pretty nice, as well. I think it shouldn't be that hard to implement that. If it is not possible, I think a randomization would do, too.

    Prey should in general just run away from players forcing the player to properly hunt them.


    I thought about animals leaving tracks to follow but figured that would be too difficult to do. Droppings might be easier to do haha

    I think this is, like with the saturated behaviour of animals, just a matter of memory and stuff. Because I don't know if it would take too much space to save what every animal does in every second. But it would be great, if animals would bend grass an leave tracks in the dirt and even bigger foot prints in mud etc. ^^
    But I think again, first things first, the devs should firstly implement that grass can generally be bended etc. ^^

    Geneo, you think what I wrote is going overboard with it? If so in what way? What parts?

    If you ask me, I don't think you are dreaming of too much :P I also like to have ridiculous plans would could be implemented. ^^ It surely is just too early for those things. But when time passes, I can't think about why the devs should not be able to realsie this.
    Why not try some small steps and see what is possible, and if soemthing does not work, just try a different way ^^

    Just create the possibility to endlessly upload new textures to the game. These blocks with new textures should not be found in the world ofc, but you shoul dbe able to craft them from the blockbench instead.
    Maybe even in connection with the steam workshop, this could be an easy way to try out other people's textures and basically just get a lot of new blocks to build with, but without having to completely change how the world looks like e.g. in Minecraft with the texture packs.

    Ok, ist mir gar nicht aufgefallen, aber meine Reihe von "durchlässigen" Brettern lässt sich auch nicht entfernen. Vielleicht kannst du das Problem in Zukunft wenigstens umgehen, indem du keine Bretter in Reihe mehr, also mehrere auf einmal, aufstellst, weiß aber nicht ob der Bug daher kommt. Aber vielleicht schon, da man bei einer aufgestellten Reihe ja kein einzelnes Brett entfernen kann. Außerdem ist bei mir von diesem Bug auch jedes Brett betroffen, dass ich direkt an diese verbuggten Bretter anbaue @red51, please help!! xD

    Die Lampe sieht aber doch moderner aus, wie diese weiß leuchtende. Hast du dir alle Lichter angeguckt?