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Posts by Meltron
But there was no change that should have a noticeable impact on framerateDoes it happen in singleplayer only, or also in multiplayer?
Yes, also in mp. I think I had like 30 - 40 before, now it often is at around 10 fps, max. 25 sometimes -
Ich denk mal das es funzen wird, aber halt an einige Stellen ziemlich durcheinander sein wird, wenn z.B. plötzlich alles voller Wasser ist. Dann muss man halt das ganze Wasser abschaufeln, auch wenns ein gnazer Ozean ist
Vielleicht könnte das Spiel ja netterweise erkennen, wo schon gebaut wurde und in dem Bereich dann das alte Biom beibehalten.
Eventuell hat man dann viel später halt noch sehr veraltete Landschaften auf seiner Karte wenn viele Pflanzen und was noch so kmmt fehlen, aber das ist ja eig. egal. -
Not possible when it has been added to the inventory.Bhikku, can you try linking to your Steam profile? If the game isn't working, you surely can't have played it. I think we'd all like to see that your game time is at 0 minutes.
Uii, uii, uii, someone really sceptical here xD
I´m also living in germany, here you have sth like rights.
Basically, yes. But I think you actually bought it from Valve, an US - company. So, unless the devs are very friendly and give you your money back for free (because Valve will surely not delete your game since they would then need a refund from the devs, too), you won' t get anything. -
I just want a refund. Why none of the admins response to the thread? I repeat: I just want a refund!
I think they can't delete your game on steam. Only Valve can and they will never give you a refund
Lel, others spend time lookng how to get different textures, Nova just goes ahead and makes them all himself xD
Such idea, much creative
I will check next year
But thanks for reply
Yeah, the axe is surprisingly not meant for removing wooden stuff. Also, you have to make sure that you stand close enough to the planks and they are the only item used frequently for building which take so long to remove.
You could try typingQuotesetgametype 1
in the console to instantly remove items.
No, I use fraps and it seems a bit lower now
You have to use the pickaxe, it will take a while though
I am not sure, but I think it is a bit lower than before now. Is this a common issue or do I need to check my system again?
Hast du das Spiel auf die neueste Version geupdatet? Bei mir ist es nämlich auf Deutsch.
Wenn du nur die Steam - Overlay - Funktion willst, kannst du auch in Steam auf "Spiele" gehen und dann "Steam - fremdes Spiel hinzufügen..." Ansonsten musst du glaub ich mal die Entwickler fragen, ob sie dir nen Steam - Key geben und im Gegenzug die Nicht - Steam Version sperren, wenn das geht. -
Very nice, didn't even knew that you could re size stuff
Awesome :D, but did you put in some water?
Noice, maybe would be even better if both say and night would show the same landscape
Looks good, but the ugly standard textures of Minecraft is one reason why I prefere RW.