Posts by Meltron

    Lel wut
    I am not a peep.
    Why either or? I think these things do not exclude each other. I mean, exp is just getting specific points for a lot of things and level - ing up, achievements are "notes" you get for doing (more or less) special things.

    Steam Achievements
    red51 said here that achievements will come, so I guess they will be integrated in steam as well, if you have it on steam.

    For the exp thing, I believe that it would only be a nice thing, if RW would slowly turn into a role play game. Because I think Minecraft has this exp thing, and as far as I can remember, it was pretty pointless.
    Of course you could chop wood faster the more you have done it, but then it should not make such a huge difference, because otherwise, why would you need better tools (if they will come, idk)?
    I guess the devs should make it slowly, like they have done with some tools that don't have recipes yet: First add a new feature, so here maybe some fighting skills or magic attributes and then care about how you should get them or how you should rise to a higher level where you can obtain those skills.

    I checked the "sign up" section on the website again, and yes it states that


    Your username is the same as ingame and can not be changed.

    So I guess you actually have to buy another copy - should wait for a dev to respond first, though :P

    To the devs: It would be nice if you could change your name ingame - maybe it would still show the original name in brackets. I mean, Steam also give you the ability to change your name and after some time people might regret having a specific name and would like to change it.
    Or each player could get a individual id number and the ability to have different named "accounts" (Which he then actually would not have since they still would all belong to one id. Also, I think it would not be possible for them to be all seperate accounts, since you could use this to bypass a server ban.).
    However, he should not be able to use more than one at the same time to prevent that people give their accounts to their friends or sell them cheaper than the game price etc. ^^

    Guess bells could actually be helpful to find players (yep, still waiting for a better way to find and get to players without using teleports or cheats)
    I agree to banisters, I haven't used them anymore, because they are so hard to handle.

    Have you tried it?
    WASD moves you in 4 directions, but vertically? I also know that while flying I can use the mouse to look (up or down) and then use the move keys (WASD) to move in that direction (basically gliding up/down). To go straight up or down, you need to use the shift and L Ctrl keys.

    Quezax beat me to it. :(

    I know, for me it's just way easier to look up and then just press w

    Very close! If you fall, through the earth, down a hole, etc., pressing f2 will put you into 'fly' mode. (At least you stop from falling!). But you have to hit the space bar to fly up, or left ctrl to fly down (sorry, I use a controller and keys are from memory).

    Note that hitting f2 again takes you out of fly mode- and you have no parachute! Be close to the surface before you turn it off or you'll fall to your death!

    Why do you need to press spacebar to fly up?

    my god.. I wrote a comment to that review and instantly got deleted by this f*ck*** becky wh*re :cursing: so much about "devs attempting censorship" while she deletes every comment that tries to support the devs or the game X/ really makes sense. unfortunately it looks like a breeding place for all kind of haters

    I feel sorry for you devs, and for the bf of the OP ||

    Same, she deleted my comment as well, although I wans't even rude :P
    Anyways, I don't think that you should waste too much energy on those negative reviews, because as you saw, the posters often don't even want to hear criticism.
    Also, most reviews are either positive, or, if they're negative, they are getting many downvotes themselves because they are poorly based on anything relevant :P

    There is a search bar at the very top right of the forums.
    Yes, red51 confirmed colored glass here (the respond is in German though): Vorschläge: Neue Objekte
    He also stated there that mosaic colored glass will come, as well (I guess like in and for building churches)

    This is a known bug (although I never experienced it^^). You have to press F2 to fly up.
    What rocks? Can it be that you are still glitched somewhere when you try to break them? Are you standing close to the rocks? Are you using a pickaxe?
    Alternatively, you can try typing


    setgametype 1

    into the console (which you open with "^" ) to get 1 - hit - breaks and see, if they still won't break.

    Dann könnte man ja schreiben. "Das ist leider noch nicht bekannt" und dann ist das Thema durch, aber Hier das Thema für andere Diskussionen nutzen? Dann mach dir selber ein Thema auf wo du darüber diskutieren kannst..

    Du weist schon, dass deine Kommentare auch nichts zum Thema beitragen?