fell in map

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  • yah i was making a cave and glitched in the rock then fell in the map also some rocks dont wanna break

  • This is a known bug (although I never experienced it^^). You have to press F2 to fly up.
    What rocks? Can it be that you are still glitched somewhere when you try to break them? Are you standing close to the rocks? Are you using a pickaxe?
    Alternatively, you can try typing


    setgametype 1

    into the console (which you open with "^" ) to get 1 - hit - breaks and see, if they still won't break.

  • Very close! If you fall, through the earth, down a hole, etc., pressing f2 will put you into 'fly' mode. (At least you stop from falling!). But you have to hit the space bar to fly up, or left ctrl to fly down (sorry, I use a controller and keys are from memory).

    Note that hitting f2 again takes you out of fly mode- and you have no parachute! Be close to the surface before you turn it off or you'll fall to your death!

  • Very close! If you fall, through the earth, down a hole, etc., pressing f2 will put you into 'fly' mode. (At least you stop from falling!). But you have to hit the space bar to fly up, or left ctrl to fly down (sorry, I use a controller and keys are from memory).

    Note that hitting f2 again takes you out of fly mode- and you have no parachute! Be close to the surface before you turn it off or you'll fall to your death!

    Why do you need to press spacebar to fly up?

  • Have you tried it?
    WASD moves you in 4 directions, but vertically? I also know that while flying I can use the mouse to look (up or down) and then use the move keys (WASD) to move in that direction (basically gliding up/down). To go straight up or down, you need to use the shift and L Ctrl keys.

    Quezax beat me to it. :(

  • Have you tried it?
    WASD moves you in 4 directions, but vertically? I also know that while flying I can use the mouse to look (up or down) and then use the move keys (WASD) to move in that direction (basically gliding up/down). To go straight up or down, you need to use the shift and L Ctrl keys.

    Quezax beat me to it. :(

    I know, for me it's just way easier to look up and then just press w

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