Posts by AshWardle

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    People keep telling me this and my thoughts are simply this: Using commands to make the perfect building options for your home gets pretty tiring after a while when typing them in constantly, especially when forgetting the first value of the first size of the specific plank(or beam) you want to use again.

    Why not have a plugin that can replace building with the size command, but also making glass more useful by adding the glass texture as an option for planks(or beams)?

    I guess glass textured planks n beams do seem kinda useless when you can use the size command...but It would be easier with the same way to type a command to spawn in planks and beams with specific textures. Example:
    Item woodplank 55 1

    Is there any free decompiler software that you can recommend? Then again, you probably are familiar with software that is paid due to the fact that you are a developer?

    Also, if I do, perhaps, decompile any code, I will do research on Java code so I know what I will be doing XD

    ...add a "glass texture .DDS" file under "textures " in "Assets" folder to be a texture for planks and beams? If not, how does it all work?

    Is there a source code of some kind that is only available to the Developers? Someone on discord said that there is a source code,
    but being the person that I am, I practically have to hear it from the developer, himself to believe it! And, no offense to the player on discord who told me! XD

    The subject’s title of this post is completely self-explainable of the whole thread...

    “I would love to be more creative with glass in my builds in a much more convenient way!

    Working with the typical glass panels can be irritatingly hard to build with. Not only are the glass panels too thin, but another problem is that you can barely see the glass panels while trying to align them, which brings me to my second suggestion:

    More tent for glass panels. Putting glass panels on eachother can add tent to the glass panels as well, but I believe it would be allot more convenient if the glass panels had more tent period.”

    You have great ideas; these ideas could definitely be of use one day to the game! The developers are noting players’ good ideas and will work on putting the ideas in the game once relevant!

    I’m making a Plantation on Green Valleys Reborn Server, and a few suggestions came to mind:

    1. A Plow: will be hooked to a horse or donkey(or camel) to make wide farmland

    2. A Seeder: will also be hooked to a Horse, Donkey or Camel, and will be used to(of course) plant seed.

    3. A Harvester: (Self-Explanatory) will be used to harvest crops. Will also be hooked to a Horse, Donkey or Camel.

    For the record, I am not expecting these features anytime soon; I am sure there are still features that need to be added more than these, but these farming tools will definitely make a huge difference in gameplay!