Posts by red51

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    First of all, it's a nice story! :D It's good to hear that you had some fun and found some pumpkins, we were not sure if the spawnrate is too high or too low.

    Falling into the ground seemed to be the dramaturgical climax, even though it's not that good when it happens. Perhaps you can tell us how it happened exactly? ^^

    Okay, the game should run on that machine. If I've seen that correctly it has an Intel HD 4400, which is definitely sufficient :)

    What happens exactly? Does the game hang up or does it crash? When does the error occur, during startup or when loading a world? Is there an errorlog created in your game directory? If not, I'd recommend to temporarily disable the flag "game_threaded_loading" (set it to false) and enable the flag "game_debug_console" (set it to true) in the file (in your main game directory). When the game crashes the next time, there should be a log-file in the Logs-Folder, it would be great if you can upload it here.

    That was pretty fast, so that mean we are getting ore and animals monday??? J/K

    Pah, animals and ores, on monday we're going to release Concept 2 :D ;) *jk*

    Great job guys, I am going pumkin-hunting, then I need to working on some catapult designs for the eventual Concept Pumpkin Chunkin Contests....

    Sounds really cool, I hope you have success with the hunt, but don't leave a mess with the pumpkins :D

    Hi folks,

    just in time, here is a small Halloween update! It introduces pumpkins, which can also be turned into a Jack O'Lantern (which spends a little amount of light), serving as an appropriate decoration for Halloween.You find pumpkin plants occasionally in the world, they spawn in grass biomes. In the future, pumpkins will also serve as food.

    Apart from the Halloween-related stuff, this update also introduces a new tool: A scythe,which has the same functionality as the sickle, but with greater efficiency. In other words, it allows you to cut a larger area of grass.To craft a scythe, you'll first have to craft a scythe blade at the anvil.

    Have fun with the new update, and have a happy Halloween! :)

    Full changelog:

    • [New] New vegetation: Pumpkin plant, which spawns in grass biomes
    • [New] New item: Pumpkin
    • [New] New object: Jack O'Lantern, which also spends a little amount of light
    • [New] New item: Scythe, used for cutting grass, it's more efficient than the sickle
    • [Change] Adjusted sunlight intensity and static lights
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a nasty bug causing missing collisions for chunks and an overall slowdown
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug causing wrong debris position and sound when destroying an item
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong face culling for sloped stairs ("Stair 2")


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    Yeah I totally agree that oversimplification is bad for a game. Speaking as a gamer myself, I always prefered realistic games, and I disliked it when games became too causal. But on the other hand, during development we also realized that it's definitely a bad idea when everything in the game becomes too complicated - a lot of players will lose their interest in the game when it takes a very long time until they see results.
    The approach you've mentioned is planned for bigger objects: Siege engines, oil rigs, vehicles etc. When it is implemented, we can perhaps expand it for all objects.

    That's an interesting approach. I agree that this kind of interaction with the world is definitely better than a simple GUI. But this kind of crafting also brings some problems: For example, how do you determine which variation (i.e. the woodtype of an object) you're going to craft, since all variations use the same ingredients (in most cases it's simply lumber)? We already thought about different sorts of wood (so you need the right type of wood in your inventory to craft the equivalent object), but we came to the conclusion, that this will make the game too complicated...
    Another problem would be what happens when several items/objects have the same recipe? Our goal is to have a big varity of different objects (furniture etc.), and it's nearly unavoidable that different objects use the same recipe (also since most furniture is made out of wood).

    At least we're planning to introduce such kind of interaction for the cooking&baking-feature. Perhaps we can also implement something similar for forging.

    Yeah that's really a cool idea! :thumbup: We put that on our list, unfortunately, neither a racoon (which seems to be ideal for this job^^) is part of our first animal update, nor a monkey or gremlin. We will implement this feature as soon as we have appropriate models. I promise that this feature will not sink into oblivion ;)

    Scythe: I was thinking of the tool as it actually is, and that it is a slower tool than the sickle since it is two-handed and much larger but you cover a wider area per stroke. a progressive step up from the basic sickle.

    Sounds good, we will implement that!

    Block Based tools/objects: So I do not know how much process automation you have planned for your game. I have built factories in other sandboxes games, and being able to control the size and shape of some of the stages is helpful and give you control over how many resources you want to put toward a certain processes. Plus you can work it in aesthetically to the overall build. Plus I find it adds another level of immersion, if you have to plan and build a blast furnace or then just place it. As I said, just something to think about.

    We will definitely think about it and keep it in mind, perhaps we can add this in the future ;)

    So I was playing and really liked the fact that you could break logs after chopping up a fallen tree, and would like to that give the player firewood as an optimal wood form of fuel. Also I like when processes and work is handled outside of a interface window. It is a really neat detail that you should leverage into the experience.

    Firewood, campfires and everything related to that is currently undergoing preparation ;) And I totally agree with the fact, that handling processes directly in the world without a separate interface window is much better, we try to do that as long as it is possible.

    I may have to see if I can learn LUA...

    Let us know if you have any questions about that :) We also need to continue to work on our wiki, unfortunately we lost sight of it in the last time...


    thank you very much for the nice words and your suggestions! :)
    Let's go into detail:

    Rake: Sounds good! Apart from that, we want to introduce something like a shovel to flatten terrain.

    Scythe and mower: That's planned, at least the mower. How about the scythe? What should be the biggest difference to the sickle (affected area, speed) in your opinion?

    Crowbar: Good idea! It will be available for constructions and objects. Not sure about blocks...

    Saw table: We think about that!

    Sideway ramp: Yes, definitely a good point, we're already working on it ;) And don't worry, it has nothing to do with the slope blocks^^

    Half blocks: Sounds interesting, but it's a lot of work, especially when vertical half blocks should also be available. If we really add this as blocks, it will have a low priority. Perhaps we can add something similar for the construction system instead?

    Block based tools/objects: That's a pretty cool feature, but it has some downsides. On the one hand, it's complicated to exactly define how "good" your object will be (in terms of capacity etc.), and it's also complicated to define exact positions (for example, your sitting position for a chair), on the other hand, some people will tend (in multiplayer) to build absurd stuff, and other people will build objects with a high degree of detail, what would be bad for performance :/

    Tooltips: What do you mean exactly? When building a construction element or an object, you can press F1 to see the default keys for it. Or do you talk about more detailed explanations?

    Square fence posts: We will bring woodbeams shortly (which are square and will be suitable as a fence post). Apart from that, we also want to offer a fence "out of the box".

    Ropes/Chains: Sounds good, but I'm not sure if it fits so well with the construction system. At least we already planned something like ropes for the future, but with totally different behaviour than the "static" construction elements. We must think about it ;)

    Canvas/cloth: That should be no problem!

    Genau, momentan gibts den Befehl give, wobei im Singleplayer sind eher die beiden Befehle "item" (um dir selber ein Item zu geben) und "object" (um dir selber ein Objekt, also sowas wie eine Werkbank zB zu geben) sinnvoller. Eine vollständige Liste haben wir leider nicht. Die wichtigsten Befehle aber im Überblick:

    Erstmal allgemeine Befehle:

    setspawn -> ändert die Spawnposition auf die aktuelle Position
    goto #spawn -> teleportiert dich zum Spawnbereich
    kick SPIELERNAME -> kickt den angegebenen Spieler (nur Mp)
    tod 0-23 -> ändert die Uhrzeit
    makeadmin SPIELERNAME -> anderen Spieler zum Admin machen (nur Mp)
    wireframe -> schaltet Wireframemodus an/aus, hilfreich um manchmal Höhlen zu sehen o.ä.

    Um jetzt bspw. Blöcke zu spawnen, benutzt du einfach den "item" Befehl. Der Itembefehl ist wie folgt aufgebaut (letzter Parameter optional): item ITEMNAME MENGE [VARIATION]. Um also 64 Blöcke mit der TexturID 21 zu spawnen, würde man eingeben: item block 64 21

    Abgesehen von Blöcken gibt es noch cylinder, halfcylinder, ramp, stair1, stair2
    Im Anhang findest du eine Übersicht über alle BlockID's ;)

    Alle Items aufzulisten wäre wahrscheinlich etwas umständlich, also hier eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten Items (Beschreibung in Klammern). Hier kann die Variation weggelassen werden, d.h. du benutzt nur den Befehl: item ITEMNAME MENGE

    treelog (Baumstammstück)
    lumber (Holz)
    stick (Stock)
    torch (Fackel)
    clock (Uhr)
    compass (Kompass)
    ironsheet (Metallplatte)
    ironrods (Metallstab klein)
    ironrodm (Metallstab mittel)

    Zum Schluss der "object" Befehl. Damit kannst du direkt ein fertiges Objekt spawnen. Der Befehl ist wie folgt aufgebaut: object OBJECTNAME. Die wichtigsten Objekte sind:

    piano (zum Zeitvertreib^^)

    Ich empfehle dir, am besten nur die Rohstoffe per Befehl zu spawnen, und anschließend an der Werkbank/Sägebank o.ä. direkt das passende Möbelstück/Objekt zu bauen (denn dort kannst du direkt die Variation anpassen).
    Grundsätzlich machen die Befehle nur Sinn, um sich auf schnellem Wege Blöcke sowie ggf. Grundrohstoffe (wie zB Lumber) zu geben, und den Rest dann regulär herzustellen ;)

    Noch ein anderer kleiner Tipp, der leider auch oft untergeht: Mit F2 kann man fliegen ;)

    Yes, we are aware of this problem. Cutting grass across a large area is hard work indeed. Unfortunately a real lawn mower is a lot of work, but it is definitely planned! I can't say for sure how long it will take until it's ready :/

    In the meantime, you can at least change the spawnposition by the console command "setspawn" (press F12 to open the console). This makes it easier to find your base after you died. In the future, the spawnposition will be updated automatically when using a bed for example ;)

    You're welcome! :D

    We've started working on animals and monsters in parallel, but we still need a few weeks until they're ready. We will make an announcement about animals (with some screenshots and more information) and some other things we're planning to change in ~ 1 week ;)

    Hi folks,

    another small update is now available! It introduces something simple but highly important: Windows. It uses the extended construction system, so you can freely adjust the position, size and rotation. Apart from that, they can be combined with all other types of construction elements (for example with wood planks, to create a windowsill).
    Building a window consists of two steps: First creating a frame (there are 4 different frames available with and without glazing bars), and then inserting a glasspane into it, where you can choose between 3 different types of glass (more will follow).

    In combination with that, this update also introduces a new graphical effect: Refraction, which affects all types of glass. Two of the glasstypes cause a high degree of refraction, so that it's complicated to see details behind it (suits well for a bathroom window ;) ). Of course this effect can be disabled in the settings.

    Have fun with this update! :)

    Full changelog:

    • [New] New constructionelements: 3 different glasspanes and 4 different window frames (with and without glazing-bar)
    • [New] Refraction effect for glass panes (can be disabled)
    • [New] Mousesensitivity can be adjusted in the settings menu
    • [Change] Reduced width of ladders so that they fit exactly to the size of a block
    • [Change] Constructionelements now keep their settings (size, rotation)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong lod-calculation causing holes in the world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a shaderproblem concerning Intel HD Graphics
    • [Bugfix] Fixed statustext when placing a construction element
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug causing missing chunks when loading a world