Posts by ZaCormyr

    For sure it would need balancing. It's a matter of giving everything the player can pick up weight. Inventory space is still an issue of course.

    But personally I would remove the stacks of 64 in survival, well even for creative. Just need one of each item in creative.

    Along with the small wagons, carts, sleds etc... I would add small crates with handles like

    For carrying small stuffs like apples. And baskets maybe for flora and that kind of thing. All kinds of containers could be used for different things. Firewood... animal feed.. food storage, growing crops (like cold frames to grow certain crops in colder temps). Anyways. Not going to write a huge thing here.. don't worry lol

    Personally I would love it if we could only carry say 80 pounds (about 40 kg). And it slowed you down if you carried max and drained your thirst and hunger faster. Then you would have to use things like sleds, carts, wagons (even small ones which have a handle.. yes like a kids wagon!), then the use of donkeys and horses.. then on to motorized vehicles to move stuff around. It would create so much immersion for this game if they did this. I mean, how should people be able to build a house after an hour or so of playing? People will get bored fast if that is the case.

    I've had a look at subnautica. It's interesting but I agree, Stranded Deep is the way to go. Planet Explorers I am tempted to buy now haha but I've just got too many new games recently. Don't know how I will play what I have!

    I just opened Steam and bam! Total War: ATTILA I had totally forgotten about this! And I am so far behind in this series lol sigh...

    I must admit I'd like to see 4~5 melons per slot at least. Seems a bit illogical somehow that 64 blocks per slot which must represent quite a large cube equal only one melon.:)

    This is true haha. If they will keep the stack of 64 for lots of items then yeah, stacks of melons etc.. makes sense.

    Something creeping around in the dark down in the depths would be great. Should it dig? I don't think so. I think that would create more problems then it's worth. Really interesting idea for sure though!

    Considering what normally lives in deep, dark caves, some sort of dangerous insect might be interesting. Sounds that a large insect would make would be super creepy in the dark. Especially if they climb the walls and ceiling. Just a thought I just had for this.

    The melon slices stack don't they?

    In regards to melons stacking. Well we don't know how the inventory will be dealt with yet, will we have just a bit of space until we get a backpack? Want to carry more, build a cart to pull yourself. Want to carry more, build a larger one which you can connect to a donkey or something... Surely we could not hold more then two melons with just our hands haha (pun intended).

    Using gold has been talked about. I would still like to pan for gold and/or mine for it. But not sure if it should be used as a currency. I would prefer to just use the barter system. Which means no economy, just trade. That includes NPC interactions. It doesn't matter how balanced you think the prices of things are, it will always piss somebody off.. the devs will never please everyone. Barter will work. Someone wants way to much for what you are asking.... tell them to piss off. They will never do any trading. This way, you could craft stuff out of gold, amulets, rings, ornaments, and things like gold plated wire/cable connectors.

    I agree, it zooms much too far. And yeah I hope the only way we can zoom will be with binoculars, or some spyglass (which could be made pretty primitive actually.. the lens would be the most difficult part).

    I wrote a big thing for this yesterday but lost connection. I think they were updating the site. Anyways, spawn locations.

    Predators and prey I believe will be biome specific, with some overlap.

    No zombies other than zombie dog (even that I don't want lol).

    Animals dens. Well, only for animals which would normally use a den. Like wolves. Not all use dens. They should sense the players presence and not come out of the den if the player is close, they should wait until the player is long gone. This way players can't camp the den and kill them easily as they come out. Dens should be protected so they can't be destroyed or accessed from below via mining etc.. But then, as you can see.. there are issues with having dens. So maybe just having them spawn in the world is best.

    @red51 One thing is for sure. Devs, make sure animals don't clump together in one spot. They should be dispersed throughout the biome(s) they spawn in.

    I hope predators will be drawn to kills you make, and also to your livestock in your farm. But, I want so badly that predators also make their own kills on prey. And eat them, meaning if you come across a kill, the meat is gone.. maybe you just get some leather from the body.

    Birds/bats - I hope they do not despawn. I hope no animals despawn. It would be better if they go to their nest during the night. Owls would do the opposite. And bats would come from caves during the night.

    Where monsters spawn. This has been talked about a lot. I would like to see them in dungeons and on the surface in temples and ruins etc.. not roaming around on the surface though.

    All you need is to carry one thing instead of several maps: a Compass that works like a real one and that points to home. All you need to know is that the village is "that way" and your mine is "over there". You don't need a map to tell you that.

    Yeah more and more I am giving up on this map idea. Not everything has to be realistic... lets just spawn with a compass. Lets have waypoints we can set wherever we want. When you look at your compass, a legend also comes up with the list of waypoints you have set and their distance. It would be nice if we could go into some kind of edit mode and give these waypoints names and colours.

    It's not realistic at all.. but it would really function well and do the job of allowing players to explore easily from the start and focus on the other stuff.. like dangers or finding food etc..

    How to deal with depth. Well maybe the arrows on the compass point also on angles? If you place a waypoint underground, or on a mountain top for that matter.. the arrow will point directly to it, not just in the horizontal direction? Does that work?

    This is an issue haha I haven't figured out how to do this proper. I suppose we can just deal without a map at all.. it will be quite the challenge for sure! I could go for it! But map making would be interesting...

    One thing I would add though is that I think you should have to stand in a place overlooking a new area then hold the place button to draw that area on your map

    This is going in the right direction IMO.. something that has some player interaction.. not just hold and walk or just keep in inventory. There should be risk involved in map making. Ideally I would like the items used in map making be player crafted like everything else.

    I didn't think of the cave thing haha Not sure if my suggestion would work for that in some way.

    I assume when the game is released or some time before, we won't have the compass from the start. It's not really something we could make from day one, or ten. Regardless, the compass is only useful on the surface.

    I guess I will give up on the idea of a map which is made by the player's character and has tech levels like the other stuff. Just need to be alone for a little bit... to cry. ;(

    @wesleybruce That just might work for caves actually. Although, I think using different colours for different stone/ore types is not necessary. Maybe a colour change should only be used for depth? But maybe the reference to what stone is there would be good. hmm... Anyways, it is a simple enough image that it does look like someone drew it. Which I like.

    Hold tab (each player's distance from you is shown there) and walk around while your son is online. You will notice when you are getting closer or further away from him.. just go towards him. ;)

    Once there, setspawn in console (is it /setspawn lol can't remember) and from there you can use the command above. or just suicide to spawn again.

    I suppose I will post my idea for this here. The other thread I put it in wasn't really for maps if i recall correctly lol

    I hope for a map which fits with the tech levels. Start with something very primitive and progress on from there once you are able to. What I have here is the first stage, or tech level of map.

    I figure we should use stuff in the world, or stuff we can craft to make a map with. So how could we make a map really early on? Charcoal (make a fire and collect some charcoal pieces from it once it cools) to write with and something like birch bark to write on. Given the materials used, the map would have a very limited size. But it's the first map so that should be fine.. Maybe you could use multiple pieces of bark (I suggest bark because the material used should be found in every biome, and trees should be in every biome. plus the inside of bark can be fairly smooth etc..). This map could be made with the most simple of tools (wood and stone etc.. the first stage...). Maybe there is some processing of the bark to have a thinner sheet to write on (which can be done). So once you have these items and equip them (maybe after combining the "paper" and charcoal into one usable item), you just hold it and do your exploring. On the bark sheet is written very basic drawings of the major features you pass, partial triangles for mountains, stick trees, rough circles for boulders etc etc. Then right click to bring it up and look at it. Get in a fight or do some mining etc.. (meaning you have to unequip it) it would not record your movements. Run out of room on the one piece, use another and you would have to remember what order they go in.. just like if you actual did this. Of course something other than bark could be used.. it's just the best thing I can think of that would be found in every biome.

    And of course, map making becomes more and more detailed with the improved methods you discover (the next tech levels of map making). But never to like photo quality or anything near that. The best maybe being something near a lead pencil and paper (with more detail and finer lines, the more you can fit on one sheet meaning more distance...). It should always be a drawing done by the players character. Always something held in hand while moving. It should be risky to do, but necessary in order to not become lost.

    My 2 cents on map making.